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Partnership Report

Thailand, Asia

THA01a - Good News Team

Report Date: November 11, 2022

Prayer News November 2022

Recent Events

School Outreaches

schools open again

God is good, and many schools are beginning to open to us. Please pray that God will be preparing our hearts as a Team, and that He will give each of us a vision of all He is wanting to do in children’s hearts. Pray too for each child and each teacher in these schools who will hear about Jesus.

Please pray on these days for outreaches in November:
- 6th to 10th In Nong Bua Rawe District, Chaiyaphum Province. We will have outreaches in up to 9 schools.
- 18th in Mueang District, Pathum Thani Province. We will be in 2 schools. 

Cartoon Booklet

excitingGreat news – our new cartoon booklet about Jesus is now printed. It was a big job, and a big challenge for Win who did the editing! But we knew God was with us and we are excited about this booklet’s potential. Thank you for all your prayers for this project. Now we have begun sending copies of this booklet to school libraries. We will send copies to every school in Thailand. So, we are sending them to 500 schools a week. May God bless every school that puts these booklets in their school library and bless every child who reads one of these booklets. 


Welcome to Narna, our newest team member, who will work in our media department and also in school outreaches.

And welcome back to Valerie, who will be with us from November 11th to December 4th. We are praying for God to bless her, and also to bless us during this time.

Bible Reading Camp

great time

We thank God for our Bible Reading Camp in October for children and teens in our FahSai Club. Our aim was they meet with God through reading and memorizing His word, and seeing that God’s word helps us know more of His love. We do thank God for the way each young person was determined to read God’s word and learn to follow it. We believe that God’s word has the power to change lives and felt the Holy Spirit was leading us to have a Bible Camp. Now we're praying we can have more Bible camps, that more Thai young people will have their lives transformed, and grow in their love for God.

Video Clips

Please pray for Nut as they work to finish one more video clip needed to help with follow up – to help young people follow Jesus. We need to finish this by the middle of this month. May this video be what Thai children need. May God give them strength and wisdom in their work – and lots of good editing ideas so that the children will understand what we want to convey. Thank you.


Personal Stories

keen to read

Thank you for praying for all who are doing our lessons. Here are some letters we received last month:

Thanakrit, boy of 13: Jesus is the foundation for happiness in my life. He is Saviour and forgives our sins, and gives us peace and strength every day.

Ratissa, girl of 11: It's good to have Jesus in my heart to take care of my family and to take care of me. I love God very much.

Chaichet, boy of 10: Now I love Jesus the most and I want to thank God.

Nutchaphon, boy of 17: I want to thank Jesus for coming down to die for our sins, and for teaching His people to love. Though I have never seen Jesus, He is the one in my heart.

building relationships

Pitchaya, girl of 11: I love God so much. In church we worship God because He is merciful to us. Also God is able to drive out the evil spirits, so we can sleep peacefully.

Peeraya, girl 11: I feel glad that I learned about Jesus. When I first read a Bible story I thought it was not true. But as I heard people's stories about miracles God did, and how He healed people, I believed it was true. Now I know more and can understand why it is true.

Phum, boy of 9: God is the person I want to thank the most because He is the one who likes me the most. God helps me not to sin since I believed, and I want to thank God because He takes care of me and loves me too.

Thanawat, boy of 16: I feel at peace now and not afraid of evil spirits. And I am more confident in doing things. God can help us and heal us too. So, I believe and trust in God.

Watcharakon, is 29 now. He did our lessons as a child and has kept in contact. He wrote: "I go to church only once a year on Christmas day because, to be honest, I'm still Buddhist. But I believe that God exists and He is true, and that He is with us everywhere, at all times."


Plans for the Future

Retreat Time for Team 22-24 November 

Please pray for God to bless and refresh each of us in the Team. We ask that God will speak to each of us during this Retreat, and for God’s Holy Spirit to move among us. We thank God for Pastor Matthew who will lead our Retreat, and for input too from Kirsty and Phoebe (all from Lifepoint Church). We are glad Valerie will be with us too. Please pray with us.

School Outreaches November and December

special timesWe ask you, our brothers and sisters, to pray that God blesses and speaks through each of us as we go to the schools, and that He will speak to each child and teacher in each school. Pray too that God will bless every school that welcomes us.

The door is still open in many schools. But not in all of them. Some school principals we speak to decide they do not want us to bring the news of Jesus to their children.

Every time we see children responding to our message it fills our hearts with much happiness. But at the same time we know we are in a spiritual battle, and we need God’s protection. Your prayers are our spiritual strength. And through your prayers children can come to know Jesus and receive His salvation.

December dates:
5th to 9th - Phayakhaphum District, Maha Sarakham Province, 9 schools
14th to 15th - Phra Pradaeng District, 4 schools
18th to 21st - Chum Phae District, Khon Kaen Province, 6 schools
22nd to 24th - Gaysorn Somboon District, Chaiyaphum Province. Then on the 25th we will organise a Christmas program for everyone in this village. We’re praying they will all want to come and hoping about 120-150 people will join us.

Ongoing Follow-Up

As well as all the School Outreaches that are planned for these next two months, we know we need to do all we can to keep up with all the follow-up which still needs to happen. This follow-up is now happening in several ways - via our Facebook page, and other online platforms, and via paper correspondence lessons too. Please pray for every Team member who has any part in our follow-up program – that will have God’s wisdom and also be a channel of His love.



Thank you that you are our partners as you pray for Thai children and as you pray for our team.






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