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INT07 - Ministries for Asia-Pacific Rural Evangelist Adoption Programme: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: May 18, 2022

REAP Sabah, Malaysia Evangelists Report for July - December 2021

Shalom and we trust you will continue to experience God's grace and provisions for all your needs.

Praise be to God that we can continue to sow and harvest in Sabah through your support. We git thanks that the faithful labour of our 51 REAP Sabah evangelists yielded to date:
- over 57,900 evangelised
- over 13,00 conversions to Christ
- over 4,500 baptised
- 138 rural churches planted, and
- 7,200 bibles in Bahasa Malaysia given to new believers.

We give God all the glory. Thank you for prayers and partnership in the gospel. Below are reports from your REAP evangelists for your prayers and thanksgiving. 



JK is a 54-year-old married man with four children. 

Ministry report July - December 2021
Number of tracts distributed - (verbal evangelism)
Number of people evangelised - 25
Number of conversions - 20
Number of people baptised - 0

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) The new believers to continually hunger and thirst for God's Word.
2) Our church program for the upcoming year - that the Lord may add His blessing to it. 
3) Our children to be always healthy under God's protection.
4) The COVID-19 disease to come to an end/be destroyed.
5) The ongoing church and pastor's house renovation, that the Lord may bless it. 

Even though in this COVID-19 situation it is very hard to meet, especially with those who are in need, nevertheless the enthusiasm of believers is evident in their involvement at church and the various ministries. 



JA is a 40-year-old man who is married with five children. 

Ministry report July - December 2021
Number of tracts distributed - (verbal evangelism)
Number of people evangelised - 16
Number of conversions - 3
Number of people baptised - 

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) Me and my family to continually serve God.
2) Spiritual growth of the believers.
3) Restoration of our financial well-being. 
4) The church leadership to fear God and lead wisely. 
5) The Christians to be witnesses of Christ wherever they go. 

Praise God that despite the many challenges arising from COVID-19, God is present with me in the ministry. Even though we were not able to meet physically for an extended period of time, I was able to communicate with the believers by Whatsapp and they testify of God's goodness and work in their lives. 



PB is a 35-year-old male who is married and has three children. 

Ministry report July - December 2021
Number of tracts distributed - (verbal evangelism)
Number of people evangelised - 2 (due to the extended lockdown in Sabah)
Number of conversions - 2
Number of people baptised - 

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) God to give me the ability and courage to preach the gospel.
2) Those who have not come to church for a long time, to have the desire to hear God's Word and worship Him corporately.
3) My family and the believers' health to be under God's protection. 
4) God's continued hand in our outreach ministry this year.

I am thankful for the few believers who are coming to church. There are not many due to the fear of COVID-19, but we do not give up and are not hindered. Instead, we go on with planning the cell group ministry, discipleship classes and even baptism classes. Praise God for His enabling. 



RG is a 31-year-old man who is married with one child. 

Ministry report July - December 2021
Number of tracts distributed - 2 (verbal evangelism)
Number of people evangelised - 6
Number of conversions - 6
Number of people baptised - 

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) Our believers to increase in numbers. 
2) The believers to mature in faith and be an example to the younger ones. 
3) Me to stay strong in God and depend on Him for enabling. 
4) The new believers to grow steadfast in their faith. 
5) God's continued protection on us all. 

I am thankful to God that His presence goes before me in the ministry. Believers are growing in numbers every year and growing inwardly, fearing the Lord in their walk with Him. All glory to God. 



RTWK is a 28-year-old male who is married. 

Ministry report July - December 2021
Number of tracts distributed - (verbal evangelism)
Number of people evangelised - 20
Number of conversions - 4
Number of people baptised - 

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) My new spouse to also be burdened in serving the Lord. 
2) The newly appointed church council members to be united and have the common desire of fulfilling the church's vision and mission. 
3) The believers who have stopped wanting to meet face-to-face in church, to desire to come back. 
4) The financial needs of evangelists in Sabah to be met mercifully by our Lord. 
5) Every Christian family here to continue serving and staying strong in God. 

Praise God for His leading in our youth evangelism and the revived young adult's fellowship. Thanks to God that despite the constraints due to the spread of COVID-19, we still managed to preach to 20 persons, and four accepted Christ. Praise God. 



BS is a 41-year-old male who is single. 

Ministry report July - December 2021
Number of tracts distributed - 8 (verbal evangelism)
Number of people evangelised - 8
Number of conversions - 8
Number of people baptised - 8

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) God to preserve my health, so the ministry may run smoothly. 
2) The economic welfare of the saints so they may give freely to the gospel. 
3) The ministry needs this year such as a vehicle for increased mobility around the area. 
4) The new believers to continue to hunger and thirst for God's Word. 
5) Our evangelistic programs this year to take fruition and that the COVID-19 pandemic would ease. 

Thanks to God, even though faced with the COVID-19 outbreak that restricted our movement to evangelise, the Lord in His mercy allowed me to preach to eight persons, who then acknowledged Him as Saviour and Lord, and proceeded to the waters of baptism. Praise God.