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INT07 - Ministries for Asia-Pacific Rural Evangelist Adoption Programme: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: January 18, 2022

REAP Sarawak, Malaysia Evangelists Report for January - June 2021

A blessed New Year and the Lord's richest blessings for 2022. Praise God for Emmanuel - God with us.

Praise God for your faithful prayers and partnership in the gospel. The combined work of 75 REAP Sarawak evangelists yielded:
- over 183,000 evangelised verbally
- over 51,000 gospel tracts distribute
- over 46,000 conversions to Christ
- over 17,000 baptised
- over 4,300 bibles given to new believers, and
- 450 new rural churches planted

Praise God for the persevering work of the evangelists despite COVID-19 restrictions.

Below are reports from your evangelists for your prayers and thanksgiving.   

Latest news update from Sarawak: the authorities do not allow gathering at the long houses. As such the evangelists are not able to gather and share the gospel in long houses. If caught they will be fined Rm50000. This rule came to effect due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The evangelists are not able to visit the believers in longhouses which is not good for many may fall back to their own tribal religion or others. These believers need to be fed with God's Word to build up their strength and faith. Pray that the authorities will loosen this rule and God's kingdom will flourish in Sabah and Sarawak. 



DM is a 42-year-old male who is married with three children. 

Ministry report January - June 2021
Number of tracts distributed - 125
Number of people evangelised - 9
Number of conversions - 9
Number of people baptised - 1
Church Planted - 1 cell

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) Us as God's servants who serve full-time here
2) The ministry here as we preach to the D and P people
3) Us to evangelise according to God's plan
4) The believers who have not met at the church for a while now, due to the lockdown, that their hearts will not grow cold
5) All God's servants in SA

We praise God for giving us an opportunity to witness a miracle. There was a lady who was itching terribly over her whole body. She was frustrated. Someone told her, 'the pastor can pray for you'. The following Sunday, the lady came and asked to be prayed for. Over the next few weeks, we prayed for her several times and there were positive changes. We also taught her about faith and prayer, that only through faith there can be miracle and joy. The lady finally gave herself to be baptised and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour. Finally, she was totally healed. She was blessed by God and felt peace in her heart. Now she tells others of what Christ did for her in her life. 



JM is a 59-year-old man who is married with five children.

Ministry report January - June 2021
Number of tracts distributed - 0 (verbal sharing of the gospel)
Number of people evangelised - 39
Number of conversions - 30
Number of people baptised - 25

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) My ministry among the youth, that I be given strength and health in leading them
2) The students who plan to further their studies, that the Lord may bless their steps
3) The current online ministry, that the church may adapt with the evolving situation
4) The church's financial situation because most of the people are farmers or oil plantation workers
5) A sister who is suffering from severe back pain, that she may be relieved and granted healing from the Lord

Praise God for healing me from Hepatitis C which I had been having for a year now. Praise God my physical condition is improving, and I am gaining strength. I thank God for his gracious love on me. 



ML is a 36-year-old female who is married with four children. 

Ministry report January - June 2021
Number of tracts distributed - 0 (evangelism is via YouTube live streaming, Zoom meetings, Whatsapp video calls, Whatsapp text groups and telephone calls)
Number of people evangelised - 230
Number of conversions - 24
Number of people baptised - 0

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) Our ongoing online ministry, which is an unusual way of reaching out to souls - it requires the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for breakthrough in the sharing of God's Word, as the Spirit gives life through His Word. 
2) Me, my husband, children and grandchildren to have God's peace and protection during this time of pandemic.
3) People to adapt to a new way of living - everything is online now - church, school, food delivery, banking etc. which requires learning and re-learning - I myself find it very difficult!
4) The people who have lost their jobs, that God would open the way and give them a creative mind to source for daily income. 
5) The people in the villages and long houses - it has been a long time since we ministered to them face-to-face; pray that God would strengthen their faith in Him. 

Initially I was against the vaccine and did not want to take it for various reasons. But then the government office called and requested a list of church leaders who have and have not been vaccinated. I realised that as God's humble servant in the church, I ought to be vaccinated along with the others. Praise God there were no side effects, and we are OK. 



EA is a 35-year-old man who is married with three children.  

Ministry report January - June 2021
Number of tracts distributed - (verbal sharing of the gospel)
Number of people evangelised - 
Number of conversions - 
Number of people baptised - 

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) The places where we have previously evangelised, that the people who have received Christ into their lives will be strengthened in their faith
2) The evangelists and pastors to work together in the ministry
3) The villages that have not been reached out to, to be prepared to receive the gospel when the time is right
4) Open opportunities to evangelise and every village here to be protected from the COVID-19 virus
5) Our daily needs and the plan to pursue theology studies

We are thankful to God for His preserving grace thus far. We pray God will continue to protect us all until COVID-19 ends.