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INT07 - Ministries for Asia-Pacific Rural Evangelist Adoption Programme: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: April 4, 2018

REAP Indonesia Update from July - December 2017


Greetings and shalom! It is an encouragement that when we contribute to the work of sowing, there shall be harvesting unto the glory of God. 

In the most populous Muslim nation of the world, Indonesia, the collective labour of 18 REAP Indonesia evangelists saw:
- over 33,000 gospel tracts distributed
- over 24,000 verbally given the gospel
- over 2,250 coming to faith in Christ, and
- over 500 baptised

Praise be to God! Thanks for being a supporter and prayer partner for the above to be possible. Below please find the reports from the evangelists you support for your prayers and thanksgiving. 



M is a 47 year old male who is married and has four children.  

Ministry report July - December 2017
Number of tracts distributed - 100
Number of people evangelised - 250
Number of conversions - 55
Number of people baptised - 12

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) An increase in our church and to bear much fruit
2) Those that have accepted Christ to be steadfast and faithful
3) My two children who will be graduating in February 2018 to be blessed with wisdom
4) My leg to be healed completely so I can remove the cement cast
5) Revival for our church, especially the leaders 

Glory be to God! Unbelievers are now more open to the gospel and wanting to know about Jesus. Some have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. We have 12 people who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and been baptised. With God's protection even robberies have lessened. Praise be to God!



A is a 38 year old male who is married.

Ministry report July - December 2017
Number of tracts distributed - 150
Number of people evangelised - 200
Number of conversions - 100
Number of people baptised - 1

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) Spiritual growth for the church
2) God's intervention in every area that we evangelise
3) My parents and siblings who have not accepted Jesus, will come to know Him
4) Good health and wisdom for me, my wife and my children
5) The many who are still lost in the wilderness not knowing Jesus

Glory be to God! The Lord has given me a spirit of discernment and perseverance. One person has recently accepted Christ and been baptised after many months of following. 


M is a 39 year old male.

Ministry report July - December 2017
Number of tracts distributed - verbal evangelism only
Number of people evangelised - 288
Number of conversions - 2
Number of people baptised - 

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) Protection for all schools and churches from the acts of the radicals
2) My wife and family to grow well spiritually
3) The spirit of understanding God's Word in order to communicate with youths
4) Good health for me and my family
5) Believers not to be shy in the sharing of the gospel

Glory be to God! I thank God for enriching me and giving me the wisdom to journey with the youths and sharing with them God's Word. Praise be to God!



S is a 40 year old male who is married with one child. 

Ministry report July - December 2017
Number of tracts distributed - 10
Number of people evangelised - 100
Number of conversions - 2
Number of people baptised - 

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) God's wisdom when I visit villages to save souls
2) Development of the church and surrounding areas
3) The youths to have more knowledge of God's Word
4) Good health for me and my family
5) Strength and faith for me to continue sharing the gospel

Glory be to God! I thank God for blessing me with wisdom so I am able to share the gospel. Many are still in ancestral worship. With God's intervention and with God's Holy Spirit, I had the courage to share the gospel to these people. I thank God for giving me a loving and a patient spirit.



T is a 43 year old male. 

Ministry report July - December 2017
Number of tracts distributed - verbal evangelism only
Number of people evangelised - 53
Number of conversions - 21
Number of people baptised - 2

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) More faith for the church members
2) Spiritual growth in PT and the nearby areas
3) The people who have heard the Word of God to believe in Jesus
4) My parents to continue in their belief in Jesus
5) Wisdom for me to share the gospel and more souls will come to the Lord

Glory be to God! We had a family who accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour after the head of the family was healed. Praise the Lord for the wonderful miracle. They have gone through water baptism. Praise be to God!