Happy New Year!
Although it's already March, this is our first newsletter of the year so Happy New Year to everyone! We are excited to share our first newsletter of the year, filled with updates and stories.
We would like to begin by reflecting on our Christmas outreach efforts from 2024. Due to budget and time constraints, we were unable to visit Dongmak village this year. Instead, we focused our efforts on two meaningful outreaches in Thongsunghong and Thai Samut. As always, we had a wonderful time inviting our neighbours and young people from the community to share the Gospel, give gifts, and enjoy a meal together. As our students requested, we enjoyed KFC, and they absolutely loved it! Many expressed their hope for another opportunity to have it again soon. We are also grateful for the new students who visited us and have been consistently joining our gatherings.
In other good news many Thai teams, including Top Kids and Good News Teams, have come together to form a World Outreach hub, with Pupea serving as the secretary. All the leaders are currently meeting via Zoom, and there will be an in-person training in July. With great gratitude, we are excited to announce that we have secured financial support for the hub for the next three years and hope it will be a great support to local Thai teams!
My name is Bupae and, alongside my husband and my Aunt Prasert, we run the Top Kids programs in Bangkok. I was born into a devout Christian family. I have an elder sister and a younger brother, making me the middle child in our household.
My parents have dedicated their lives to ministry, faithfully serving as Sunday school teachers at our church. Despite the significant demands of their ministry, they worked tirelessly to provide for our family, ensuring that my siblings and I received a proper education while continuing to serve God with unwavering commitment.
Throughout my childhood, our family encountered numerous challenges. There were times of great change, including a period when we left our church to establish a children’s ministry at home. I recall this season vividly—it was both an enriching and deeply challenging experience.
During those years, I often wished to earn a substantial income so that my parents would no longer have to work so strenuously to support us. Determined to ease their burden, I took on multiple part-time jobs and, in my second year of university, made the difficult decision to withdraw from my studies to focus entirely on working. As time passed, however, God called me back into ministry. I faced many challenges in my workplace, ultimately leading me to resign and return to serving Him. In the midst of my struggles, I frequently asked God, "Why is my life filled with so many hardships?" I even questioned whether He truly loved me.
Yet, through all these trials, I ultimately discovered the answer—God had been calling me into ministry all along. He had a divine purpose for my life, one far greater than anything I could have envisioned.
I have now been serving at Top Kids for nearly three years. One of the greatest challenges I have encountered is fundraising. Raising financial support in Thailand to run our programs is particularly difficult, as the majority of the population follows Buddhism. One particular experience that really impacted me, involved a young girl at our church named Mean. She had a strong desire to play the piano and once approached me, saying, "Why don’t you repair that small keyboard? If you fix it, I can help lead worship on Sundays!" Her words deeply moved me, and I made several attempts to get the keyboard repaired. The process was challenging, and even after the repairs, the instrument was still in poor condition. However, only one week later, something truly remarkable happened. An acquaintance from my previous workplace unexpectedly reached out to me and said, "I have a full-sized electric piano. If you can arrange a pickup truck, you may collect it today." I was utterly astonished. I had not even prayed for a new piano yet, and God had already answered a prayer I had not thought to pray. After receiving the piano, my husband took the initiative to learn how to play it. Incredibly, within just two weeks, he was able to accompany worship songs.
This experience has profoundly strengthened my faith, reaffirming that God sees our every need and provides in ways beyond our comprehension.
1) For many years Prasert has needed three surgeries on her hand to help with impaired movement. She was recently able to have the second one on her wrist. Please pray for her quick recovery.
2) Pray for Thai children and youth who need to know God has hope and a future for them.
3) Please pray for the emerging leaders and that they will be raised, released and well-equipped to share Jesus with unreached people.
4) For protection and provision over the program as they continue to reach local families.