Thailand, Asia

THA01c - Top Kids / Heart of Mercy: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: January 13, 2025

Top Kids Newsletter December 2024

Recent Events

Good News of Great Joy

enthusiastic teamDecember represents an amazing opportunity in Thailand to be able to share the good news of Jesus with so many of the people in our Top Kids communities. There is an increasing openness with many schools now talking about Christmas as a fun activity but having never heard the true meaning themselves the real message goes untold.

For us this creates an incredible opportunity to truly share the real meaning with people. 

This year we will have Christmas programs with children who are excited to bring their local friends along. We have been busy preparing Christmas gifts and activities. songs and messages to share. The children have also made a special request for KFC on Christmas Day! Most have never had the opportunity to have this so it really will be quite the Christmas treat.

Please see below some key dates we would love for you to join with us in praying for these outreaches.  

Houses of Hope

Our Houses of Hope are continuing to see significant growth with many children moving into the areas. Particularly in Thai Samut there are up to 10 new children each week. As we see God move in lives, we also continue to see the significant need within these families.


love kids









Personal Stories

We deeply value your partnership and support so we can show mercy, give practical support and share Jesus. This was highlighted recently with a woman called Phone. Her husband has left her, and her two children aged 7 years and 6 months. If she is unable to work that day, then her children are unable to eat that day. Alongside the program we are able to run for the children, we were able to offer her some cleaning to help support her family to buy food.

Years ago, we connected with another single mother with two children. She followed her kids to our program and accepted Jesus on the first day she came. I prayed with her and invited her to join our church, and she did. She then brought her mother along who gave her life to Jesus too. She was very active in the church, serving wherever she could. She then went to the bible college and is now serving part time in the church. She preaches on Sundays and has been a great support for other women.

We have seen many times the power of God to call and transform the lives of woman like Phone and change families for generations.


Prasert's Story

passionate ladyMy Dad accepted Jesus through a missionary from England while my mum was pregnant with me and my whole family began to follow Jesus. They gave me the name “Prasert” which means “good news” because they received good news at that time. 

After I finished high school, I decided to go to Bible college. One Sunday after church the Holy Spirit touched my heart and called me to serve Him. I committed myself to God and said to Him “From today I will serve you with my whole life. Here I am, send me.” I was 19 years old. I asked God for a sign, that if He was really calling me to serve Him, please let me know by healing me from my sickness. God healed me, and from that day I have never been sick like I used to be. God also provided amazing financial support during those years I was studying in the Bible college.

When I was small, I loved helping my oldest brother when he was teaching Sunday school. So, I started working part time with the Good News Team in Bangkok on my day off while I was at Bible College. After I graduated, I joined the team full time. In 1993 I joined a small team led by Lorraine Dierck to plant Muangthong Church. 

One day I went to visit the sick family member of a woman in church in Tung Song Hong, her name was Moot. It was the first time I had been to that area, and I was deeply impacted by how many children were living in such a tough area. I began Top Kids as a safe space for them.  Lots of children and families have become followers of Jesus through Top Kids. The young girl pictured above is actually the daughter of Moot. She now follows Jesus and attends Top Kids and church regularly. Many of the other children have now grown up and are part of our team; some went to bible college, and many are serving God in different parts of Thailand.

In 2019 we started a new outreach in the community of Thai Samut. 

Houses of Hope are based in poverty-stricken communities that are filled with family violence, alcohol and drug abuse. We run outreach programs every Saturday and on weekdays we provide after school programs for the children where we teach English through bible stories and teach music using worship songs. We also provide food for them as many homes often don't have enough. Many of their parents work long hours and come home very late, and for many children it is not safe to stay home by themselves. The parents are so appreciative that we have a safe place for their children and that we are also helping the children with their studies.

Week after week the parents accompany their children to church and give their lives to Jesus. We focus on reaching children and families in the communities and train them to reach their own people. We believe in life change - family change - community change - Bangkok change, Thailand change and world change!


Prayer and Praise Points

Some key December outreach dates for prayer:

18th Dec - The team will be part of an outreach to a new youth remand centre
22nd Dec - Outreach in Bua chum
28th - Christmas Outreach
29th - Christmas Outreach with Lupla and Jack  



We pray that as we share the good news of great joy this Christmas, that it will bring hope to the many longing hearts around us. 


Love and blessings,
Prasert and the Top Kids Team