Thailand, Asia

THA01a - Good News Team: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: February 17, 2025

Good News Team Prayers News February 2025 - Launching into 2025

Recent Events

News from the Office

keen to hearWe all, in the Good News Team, believe that the opportunity to proclaim the name of Jesus is the highest privilege that we have. In our planning sessions leading up to this year we decided to spend 2025 focusing on geographic areas where the children are least likely to hear the gospel preached. Therefore, this year, we will focus on the Central and Eastern regions of Thailand. Please continue to pray for us as we share this very powerful message with the children of Thailand. In January we had the opportunity to run an outreach in 6 schools in Chaiyaphum Province in Thailand’s north east. The children in each of these schools were very interested in our message as well as in our follow up activities.

Thank you for praying with us as we present the gospel to children in Thailand. Your prayers are powerful! On February 10-14, we will be running another outreach in schools, this time in Ratchaburi and Nakhon Pathom (adjacent areas). This outreach, we are working with 5 churches in the area who are connecting us into schools. We will visit 7 schools and also do 1 community outreach. We are excited to not only bring the good news to these schools but to also begin new relationships with local churches that we have never worked with. Please pray with us that this outreach will win children to Christ and will open doors for churches to see the importance of evangelizing children. 

News from the Correspondence Bible Lessons Team

hearing good newsBelow are some of the challenges that we are currently facing in following up with children after our outreaches into schools. Please be praying with us on these points. As we mentioned, in January we visited 6 schools in Chaiyaphum and the children were very responsive. Because of the remoteness of this area, a significant number of the children in Chaiyaphum do not have access to mobile phones and therefore cannot participate in our online activities. Another challenge is that many of the children in the schools that we visited on this trip also live a long distance from a post office, thus making it difficult for them to participate in our correspondence lessons and activities. We know that the Word of God is powerful and will not return void. We believe that the children will remember what they have heard about Jesus and that the Holy Spirit will continue to move in their hearts. Please pray with us for these remote communities, pray that we, in partnership with the local churches will be able to follow up with the children and to help them to grow in their relationship with Jesus. 

News from the Media Team

We are constantly challenging ourselves to come up with effective ways to connect with children. Please pray for us that we have God’s wisdom and creativity for this task. We want our video clips to not only be interesting and attractive to children, but also to clearly communicate the gospel and bible truths to them.

We have almost completed the new comic book that we began last year. Please be praying for our comic illustrator who will produce all of the artwork to enhance the content that we have written. One of the new ideas that we are currently exploring is to create board games to help the children learn more about bible truths. Please pray with us on this as we explore if it is a good idea or a God idea.


Prayer and Praise Points

impacting lives1) Praise God for the success of January’s outreach in Chaiyaphum Province. Thank Him that the children had such open hearts to listen to the good news of Jesus Christ.
2) Pray for the children in the 6 schools in Chaiyaphum where we presented the gospel in January
3) Pray for us as we seek creative ways to continue to follow up with the children in all of the schools we go to, especially when they have little access to the internet and to the postal system.
4) Pray that God would open doors for us to reach our goal of going to the schools where children have not had the opportunity to hear about Him. 
5) Praise God for, and speak blessings over, all of the highly appreciated prayer and financial supporters of the Good News team.
6) Pray for our outreach on February 10-14, into Ratchaburi and Nakhon Pathom. Pray for the children in the 7 schools that we will visit that they will not only hear the gospel but will also respond to the gospel.
7) Pray for the 5 churches that we will be working with there, that they will develop a real heart for reaching children and will follow up well with all the children who respond to the message we share.
8) Pray for safety as we journey to the schools.
9) Praise God for Jean’s successful surgery in January.
10) Pray for the health of all of our team members as there were a number of team members with significant health challenges in ‘24.
11) Pray for our Good News Team as we focus on areas of Thailand that are less likely to hear the gospel through other means.
12) Pray for us as we work in the office between outreaches. Pray that as a team, we become more effective in all that we do.
13) Pray that we will be able to set clear process descriptions, role descriptions and KPIs.
14) Praise God for the years of history that we have in Thailand and for His faithfulness over those years.
15) Pray for our illustrator and our media team as we complete the new comic book for children.
16) Pray for all of the churches that we connect with. Pray that they will effectively follow-up and disciple children in the schools they connect us to.
17) Pray for protection over the children of Thailand.