Happy New Year to each and every one of you. As we pass from one year to the next, people often make New Year’s resolutions, but it can be said that any time of the year is a good time to resolve to love God more, to be sold out for Jesus, and to make fresh commitments to Christ and the Kingdom. This is my resolution for 2025, I trust it is yours also.
Reflecting over the past year we are so thankful for answered prayers for the growth of the work and for the lives that have turned from darkness to the Light. There are more than 500 teams taking the Gospel to their communities and there has been 62 new churches planted. What joy!
Jaquissone, Mozambique: “At the open-air meeting on the first of April 2024 in Chitundo I counselled Mr M, a well-known drunk. After receiving my counsel, he repented of his sin and received Jesus Christ as his Saviour. When I went to visit him in November, he declared that he is now relieved from his drunkenness in the name of Christ.”
“At the Nachuma open-air meeting a young man named Michael was convicted. He had been living a complicated life, being drunk and adulterous, He was counselled, repented and received Jesus Christ as his Saviour. Now he has become a member of the Assembly of God Church.”
Kalengwa Sowers team, from Titus' own church on the Copperbelt, held an open-air meeting at the local market and about 65 attended the meeting. After the Gospel had been presented 27 people were counselled, and 14 of these new coverts have joined the Kalengwa Christian Brethren church. Twelve of these were baptised.
Evaristo, Zambia: “On April 13 we were in Mungwi district with the Provincial Chairman to see SOWERS members. One of them, Mrs Hellen said that SOWERS had really helped her to know how to preach the word of God and how to bring people to God. “I’m very happy that you have brought the SOWERS program back in our district. Praise the Lord”.
During the course of our visit to Pha* in Malawi, we met with five teams and three pastors from the various churches. One of the pastors was particularly pleased to be introduced to the outreach methods used and taught by SOWERS International teams. For many years as a pastor, he did not know how to lead people to Christ. Evangelism seemed very complicated to him, but through his involvement in a SOWERS Seminar, he was encouraged to keep going strong. Preaching at SOWERS open-air meetings using the SOWERS method wins people to Christ and churches are planted. - Alfredo
Murray, Sowers` CEO, calls for prayer: “On October 9th, General Elections were held in Mozambique and since that time there has been unrest in the country. In recent days, political violence and rioting have escalated. Properties have been burnt down and businesses looted.
In the town where Pastor Machesso lives, three people have been shot dead by Police. He and his family have been in hiding for three days fearing their house would be attacked. In Tete and Nampula provinces, Sowers are also living in fear.
As we have just celebrated the birth of the Prince of Peace, let us pray for His peace, comfort, strength, safety, and protection over the lives of all Mozambiquans and our Sowers in particular.”
This is a testimony from Pastor Z*, a Level 3 Sower: The effectiveness of the SOWERS sketch board is not limited to outdoor outreach. I had the privilege of starting a cell group at my home in a suburb of Ha*. During one of our meetings, I decided to use a SOWERS sketch board to share the Word of God. What unfolded was truly remarkable. 21 people gathered and among them were some ladies who were not saved, of which l wasn't aware.
As I ministered through the use of the sketch board, the Holy Spirit moved powerfully among us. The ladies gave their lives to Christ. As we prayed others were filled with the Holy Spirit, and it was a truly unforgettable experience. What struck me was that God didn't limit the effectiveness of the sketch board to outdoor evangelism. Instead, He used it to touch lives in the intimacy of a home setting. This was a first for me, as I had never used a sketch board in a cell group before. Thou shall use the sketch board and never go wrong! My home was turned into the home of Cornelius in Acts 10. - Pastor Z*
Jo* was a church-goer and very active in church programs, but he did not know Jesus and his behaviour was bad. He used to drink a lot of beer but one day he attended a SOWERS Open-Air meeting and, after hearing the message, he realized he was not saved. He come to the front to give his life to the Lord Jesus Christ and now Jo* is a changed person. - Benedict
The Sowers team at our church held an open-air meeting at the local marketplace and 65 people heard the gospel. After the open-air meeting we baptized some of those who received Christ, and 12 new converts have started attending church services. - Titus
1) Restoration of Titus’ water supply
2) Consistent electricity supply for Zambia and Malawi
3) Growth of new churches
4) Funding for the increasing development and expansion of the work
5) Godfrey and Emmanuel in their responsibility as Regional Advisors
6) Renewed commitment of Senior Sowers in:
Zambia: Stephen, Puta, Titus, Elliot, David, Evaristo, Benedict, Mpundu
Malawi: Godfrey, Amos, Mateyo, Patrick, Oswald
Zimbabwe: Edmond, Mussa, Delight, Tsitsi
Mozambique: Machesso, Ibrahim, Moffat, Muachana, Madeira
Uganda: Deo, Richard, Mary, Fred, Ronald, Paul
Kenya: Emmanuel
Tanzania: Denis
7) Funding for income-generating projects
8) Wisdom for Emmanuel, Deo and Godfrey as they continue the development of the work in Tanzania, Rwanda and Namibia
9) Funds for Bibles, bicycles, printing, sketch board kits and sleeping bags