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INT02 - Sowers International - AFRICA : Partnership Reports

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Report Date: July 25, 2024

July 2024 Update from Selwyn Sexton, Sowers Central and East Africa

Dear Friends,
Greetings to you all.

This year seems to be going by so quickly with so many things to take up our time and attention. I have been kept very busy with many different activities and responsibilities but thankfully the Lord is helping me to handle them all. I was challenged the other day by my reading of 1 Kings 7 where it says that Solomon, who was charged by David his father to build the temple, spent 13 years building a magnificent palace for himself and one for his favourite wife, then he turned his attention for the next seven years to building the temple. Solomon had the wrong priorities. He put himself first, his desires and his plans. How very like us! We need to re-focus and put God first in our lives; first in knowing Him, first in living for Him and first in serving Him, then He promises that we will be blessed and used by Him to fulfil His will.

expansionFrom the Field


It is always exciting to hear of the development and expansion of the work internationally and nationally. For example, SOWERS has been invited to start the ministry in Namibia and Godfrey has just returned home from there after spending ten days conducting Level 1 and level 2 seminars to 10 participants, 3 Africans and 7 Namibians. There was quite a lot of scepticism about the open-air meeting attracting anyone, but the participants were greatly shocked when they counselled 48 people. They were surprised that a simple and cost-effective method of reaching people with the gospel could be so effective. They are planning for the follow-up and to do Level 3 when Godfrey is available, and they are looking forward to expanding the SOWERS programme. 



Progress is being made in Tanzania as, in December last year, Emmanuel went to Tanzania to train up some Sowers to Level 3 and Denis, who qualified, was left with the task of teaching Level 1 seminars. He travelled on his bicycle with all his equipment to teach Level 1 at Kerukerenge (showing the necessity of bicycles for the trainers) and trained 16 participants. 58 people attended the open-air meeting conducted as part of the seminar. Many were counselled and saved and 8 joined the church. Emmanuel returned to Tanzania in June and taught two Level 2 Seminars and started Denis' training up to Level 4.



In Zimbabwe there has been a positive Sowers ministry development in Victoria Falls after Godfrey's visit there last year with Edmond. The training of Level 2 seminars has been carried out and numerous open-air meetings have been conducted. “As the Sowers Zimbabwe Board, we are so happy that Sowers work has been extended to this new Province”.



Sadly, Godfrey reports: “Just received sad news that one of Malawi`s seasoned Senior Sowers, Pastor Josen, has passed on to glory. He was hit by a car while cycling home. Josen developed the Sowers ministry along the lake shores of Lake Malawi. Pray for his children and wife”.

“I got more sad news this morning that our L4 Sower Oswald was involved in a car accident on Sunday. His colleague was driving his car. They hit a truck and damaged his car beyond repair. Oswald was hospitalised but he is now home not feeling well. Oswald comes from the same district as the late pastor Josen. Oswald is our Sowers Associate in the Lake Shore area. Pray for a full recovery for Oswald”.

These events highlight the need for the covering of prayer for all SOWERS workers that they would be kept safe as they travel.


Prayer and Praise Points

1) My daily walk with the Lord and for wisdom and guidance
2) God’s comforting grace for Josen’s family
3) A complete recovery for Oswald
4) Spiritual growth of new churches
5) Donations for the work to increase
6) Godfrey and Emmanuel in their role as Regional Advisors
7) Long lasting growth of the work in Namibia
8) Senior Sowers and their families:
Zambia: Stephen, Puta, Titus, Elliot, David, Evaristo, Benedict, Mpundu
Malawi: Godfrey, Amos, Mateyo, Patrick, Oswald
Zimbabwe: Edmond, Mussa, Delight, Tsitsi
Mozambique: Machesso, Ibrahim, Moffat, Muachana, Madeira
Uganda: Deo, Richard, Mary, Fred, Ronald, Paul
Kenya: Emmanuel
9) Funding for income-generating projects.
10) Registration of SOWERS in Tanzania
11) Wisdom and perseverance for Emmanuel and Deo as they continue developing the work in Tanzania and Rwanda
12) Funds for ongoing needs for Bibles, bicycles, printing, sketch board kits and sleeping bags