Peru, South America

PER01 - Personal support of Godofredo and Teresa Rubio: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: June 27, 2024

Update from Godofredo and Teresa Rubio

keeping busyDear friends,

To the glory of God, this year we complete 34 years serving the Lord Jesus Christ as full-time workers. After three years of the Covid pandemic, we were able to start travelling around the churches, starting in 2023, that have been planted through the work of the Centro Biblico Cajamarca, in order to encourage and strengthen our fellow brothers and sisters. All of the churches were affected by the pandemic. Some believers have died, others have moved and yet others have retired.

Thanks to God, we have continued to evangelise in Cajamarca and in other areas, in coordination with the pastors of these churches.

We have seen people arrive and people have been baptised and little by little we have recuperated and restarted the ministries of the church.

Brother Severino Malimba continues to visit and encourage the churches in rural areas.


Recent Events

training leadersCajamarca

One of the activities that we are involved in is the training of pastors and leaders in the churches. There are 50 brothers and sisters being trained, through a 12-course programme of theology, over two days per month finishing in December this year.  


leadersSan Marcos

We ask for your prayers for the Centro Biblico San Marcos, that we can complete the construction work of the building. Pastor Jaime and his wife, Elizabeth are commended to the ministry in San Marcos. We praise God that the work there is growing. We will, soon, be celebrating another anniversary of the planting of this church. We continue to visit this church to offer support and encouragement. 


pastorsUcupe (Lambayeque region)

We visit this church in April each year in order to encourage the brothers and sisters. We ask your prayers for some of their land that has been occupied illegally, that the church will be able to take it back. Pastor Juan and his wife Sara are the pastors there.


pastorsGuadalupe (La Libertad region)

Jairo and his wife, Rosa, pastor the church here. They currently meet in a house. Pray for Jairo’s health as he has diabetes. Also, this region is suffering from a pandemic of Dengue Fever. We carry out visits regularly to this region, it is four hours’ drive from Cajamarca.    



We arrived and evangelised in this area prior to Covid-19, in order to plant a church. The work is just over 1 year old. Brother Concepcion and his wife Guadalupe pastor this work. We ask your prayers for a building to meet in, at present the believers are meeting in a house.     


pastorsPacasmayo (La Libertad region)

This is a young church and just recently we have supported the start-up of a ministry amongst women. The group here is very encouraged. Brother Hector and his wife Maribel have been commended to the work there. We ask your prayers for a building to meet in as up until now they have been meeting in a house.     


pastorBatan Grande (Lambayeque region)

This is a church in the northern costal, rural, area of Peru. The church is pastored by Juan Chiroque. His wife has passed away. We ask your prayers that the Lord would raise another pastor to work alongside and support Juan. We will be visiting this church this year to support and encourage.  


pastorsCurahuasi (Apurímac region)

We were in Curahuasi in May, visiting the church there on its anniversary. This is a church that is growing with new believers and baptisms. A lot of people arrive to work in the Mission Hospital from different places and countries and from different churches which makes this church have an itinerant congregation. Agustin and his wife Jessica, our daughter, are the pastors there. Pray for new Christians in this place.


pastorsPacanga (La Libertad, region)

This church was very affected from the Covid-19 pandemic and now it is suffering with the Dengue fever pandemic. Arnaldo and his wife Juana are the pastors here. The church has dropped in numbers. We are visiting in order to encourage the believers there. We ask your prayers for Arnaldo as he is due to have a cataract operation.



Thank the Lord we are well. We will welcome our fourth grandchild very soon; the family continues to grow.


We always ask for your prayers and we thank God for your generosity and offerings of love.

May God bless you always
Godofredo and Teresa