The city of Vanadzor was a large chemical production city in the Soviet era. In 1988 there was a huge earthquake in the area that killed tens of thousands of people. The area has not recovered and people are living in extreme conditions. There are many living in ramshackle containers, there are many disturbed and uneducated children and families struggling to survive.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
30/09/2014 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
In 2014, Efrain was involved in establishing the Camiri Trades Training Institute, an auto-mechanics technical school run as part of the Bible School. He is also very involved at the Bible School, lecturing, and providing technical and administrative support.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
23/03/2020 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
There are many issues in Beni and Bunia, primarily because it is a volatile area with many stake-holders. There is little hope that the major conflicts will end in the near future but even if they do, there are many traumatized people with little chance of resuming life without some form of assistance to do so.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/08/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Bukavu is a city of around 1 million people in the East of the DR Congo. It is a centre around which there is a great deal of rebel activity. Many women are left as widows and they struggle to make ends meet and care for their children. ACLUP seeks to identify the poorest Christian women and assist them to establish and operate small businesses so they can become financially independent.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
19/06/2020 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
There are many communities near to Bukavu that are in desperate need of safe water. In 2021 BHW partnered with ACLUP to successfully provide water for the Chikera community (DRC08a) and after seeing the dramatic impact this had on that community, they are now keen to continue doing water projects in many more villages.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2022 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Two decades of violence in the DRC has left behind millions of deaths, widows, orphans and elderly living alone, and general vulnerability among communities. There are overwhelming numbers of survivors of sexual based violence within communities and church congregations. Recently, the Evangelical Alliance of Congo has identified 90 victims of sexual violence who are living in particularly terrible conditions.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
29/09/2022 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
After living in Burundi for a number of years, in 2015 Paulin Bashombana returned to his hometown of Bukavu, DR Congo, and very quickly realised that there was a big problem in eastern DRC, and something needed to be done. There were large numbers of orphans in the community, living on the streets, so Paulin brought them together, found ways for them to be able to study and has placed some of them in the homes of Christians from their different churches.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2023 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Paulin is a man with a vision. He wants to fight against poverty in his community and see his community escape the vicious cycle of poverty they are in.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/02/2024 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
In the early 2000's MM and her husband started a Bible study for women. They were asked to go to a Christian family's home to pray for the daughter who had converted to Islam. While there, a neighbour came and asked them to pray, then all the neighbours came, and a Bible study began. For the past 20+ years more than 200 women have been meeting weekly.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2022 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
In this area of Ethiopia there is a large Christian community but very little land available for farming. The Christian leaders are working with the people to obtain land and to train and send young families there so they are able to farm and also to witness to the local people and establish Christian groups.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/01/2021 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Spread across six different locations in the middle of Sumatra, this organisation supports poor families with loans to establish small businesses, assists young people to obtain an education, has a preschool/kindergarten for 100 children, and run camps and seminars for young people and leadership development.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
27/05/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
There is a pressing need within the network of churches Pradeep is involved with to assist young people gain qualifications so they can obtain decent employment. This project is a scholarship programme for young people who are graduating from secondary school and moving on to next level education. It is not for everyone, just for those who have done well in education and have proved themselves.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
5/05/2023 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
The plight of women in India is quite desperate. Many are poorly educated and their husbands are daily workers. Tom and his wife are very keen to help women to flourish in their families.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
7/07/2021 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
James is the pastor of a small brethren church in Kolkata. They have established good relationships in the community, have got to know the families of their neighbours, and have discovered a lot of poverty. This sewing programme is designed to continue the development of relationships and to empower women to become more able to sustain themselves and their families.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/06/2022 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
A group of local men are working along the Bhutan border establishing small groups of Christian believers. They visit small communities and go from house to house talking about the Gospel. As they travel, they find many very poor families and have discovered many young boys who have been abandoned.
They have brought some of these boys together into a home to care for them. Of course, this creates an ongoing need for finance. None of these men have regular support so the cost of keeping their families and all these children as well.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2023 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Illiteracy and unemployment is a major drawback for the tribal people along the Bhutan border and so Thadeus and his team desire to empower them by providing a computer training programme, a tailoring training course and a tuition centre.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2024 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
There are many young people in developing countries with great potential and secondary school education who cannot go on to further training. Because of this, their potential will never be realised and their chance to move out of poverty and become productive citizens and even leaders is gone.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Kariobangi Outreach Children's Home was opened in 1997 with the objective to cater for orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/01/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
After their marriage, Robert and Rose Gitau began to serve God by travelling to different villages preaching and helping the poor. Eventually they bought a small plot of land in Nguluni and launched a small church. The church began to grow and they started to not only help the community with spiritual needs but to help economically and physically as well. Robert and Rose adopted many children whose parents had died from AIDS or who had been abandoned.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/01/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
This project springs from the Bright Hope World sponsorship of three agricultural workers from DOVE Africa to attend an intensive Foundations for Farming seminar in Zimbabwe. Building on the initial demonstration garden at Eshel Garden in Karen, Nairobi (KEN07a), DOVE are now seeking to establish a further training centre in Got Osimbo.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/12/2016 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
This project was established to support vulnerable women and children in the Kisumi Village. It currently runs training courses in tailoring and small business development for vulnerable women. Once trained, the women establish and run their own small tailoring businesses which provides them with an income to financially support themselves and their families.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Kutwanana is a small NGO, registered with the Mozambique government set up by the church that Patrick and Grace Mulenga pastor in a poor suburb of Maputo. The community is huge, no one knows the figure but it is hundreds of thousands of people. The programme has 35 volunteers who visit around the community finding the needy and trying to help them. More than 200 orphan children are being cared for.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2004 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Chrissy and Suzen Lukanga are Zambian missionaries involved in reaching out to unreached people groups of the three Northern provinces of Mozambique; Gabo Delgado, Nampula and Niassa, with the love and teaching about Jesus Christ.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
15/06/2007 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
For a number of years BHW has been partnering with Tarikhi ya Haakhi with their church planting work around Angoche. The work is growing and significant numbers of Koti people are becoming Christ followers. Many of the Koti people cannot read their own language or Portuguese so it makes leadership development difficult.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
4/04/2014 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Christian women in Pakistan face many pressures. Because they are Christians it is almost impossible to gain employment or training. They have little ability to become financially independent. Women are often ostracized and suffer various forms of abuse because of their faith. Sometimes they are forced to marry and cannot break free from bondage.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/08/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Information Technology is a key component in the success of any country and community. Unfortunately, the high cost of education to acquire computer related skills in certain regions in Pakistan prevents the poor, orphans and underprivileged youth from obtaining these skills which are in demand.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/12/2024 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
As everyone knows, there are major issues in Pakistan. It appears to be a country that harbours and produces extremists. However, the majority of the people are not extremists. To help break down barriers between religious groups and foster understanding, Barbara Gill has established a school in Islamabad.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
11/10/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
The EGM team are constantly looking for ways to assist the poorest among them to become self-sustaining. They have organised sewing projects in other places but not in their own community. This community is huge, the largest Christian community in Pakistan, with tens of thousands of Christian families.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
14/09/2020 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
In a country like Pakistan, correspondence courses are an effective means of training. It is not easy for people of other faiths to obtain access to the real story. This is also a useful tool for Christian people to be discipled and nurtured in their faith.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
28/02/2018 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
This project is established to train Christian women and girls to develop a skill and the opportunity for income generation. This area is rural and on the border with India and surrounded by military installations. As with other similar projects this will empower a number of women who are poorly educated and who have few options for anything other than a life of servitude.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
13/07/2021 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
For many years there has been a movement of Afghan people into Pakistan as a result of the ongoing, chronic unrest in the country. Peshawar is one of the main places that Afghan refugees settle. Many of these people are uneducated and unable to fend for themselves, and so become very vulnerable, especially the young women.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2022 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Severino has been committed to taking the Gospel to the villages in the Cajamarca province since 1983. God has used him to plant various churches, besides attempting to establish more churches. Severino visits the already established churches as well as the churches that exist that are not a result of his evangelistic work throughout the Cajamarca countryside. He is committed to training, teaching and evangelising.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/07/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
After being a volunteer for a year and another year as a part-time staff member at ECPM, Ella is currently the coordinator of the Youth in Missions for Christ (YMC). YMC is the youth arm and a mission strategy of ECPM. She is also handling the Campus Ministry of YMC now going into its second year.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2005 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
ECPM seeks to train people in church planting and then sends them out to areas in the Philippines where there are no churches. This partnership seeks to provide financial support for one church planting team.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
11/07/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
For more than 2 years Vicente Enriques was a part-time team member at ECPM and he has now taken over Wilson Tayaban''s role, particularly attending most of the training modules and encouraging various church planting teams throughout the Philippines.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/10/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Masoyi Home Based Care is the response of Florence and her team to the large numbers of people in the community who are affected by HIV / AIDS. Volunteers visit house bound patients to encourage, assist and care for them.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/09/2015 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Despite the fact that Rwanda is more developed than most African countries, there is still great poverty and a violent, abusive underbelly. Those that suffer the most in this environment are the young people, especially the young women. Youth Renewed Ministry plans to help these girls by providing scholarships for them to attend a vocational training school and obtain a skill.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2022 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
The earthquake that struck Syria on 6th February 2023 caused widespread devastation, leaving many people without homes, basic necessities, and access to education. Children are particularly vulnerable in this situation, as they have lost their homes and schools, and their education has been disrupted. Many of these children have not had the opportunity to continue their education due to the lack of resources and facilities available in their communities.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
28/03/2023 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
It is estimated that most hill tribes in Thailand and its surrounding regions are living below $350 annual income. That is less than $1/day. ITDF seeks to help these villages in an holistic sustainable way.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/07/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
For a variety of reasons the hill tribes of Thailand often do not have the same opportunities as other Thai nationals, therefore making it difficult for them to elevate themselves from poverty. It is with these concerns that ITDF is providing assistance. However, these villagers not only need their physical needs met but also their spiritual needs.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
For a number of years Joyce Lubari was concerned with the number of young people in their community who leave school and who cannot get employment. Many young people manage somehow to complete secondary school, but what then?
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
12/12/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
In Koboko there is a group of pastors' wives and widows who are doing business and seeking to empower themselves in a very small way. Life is extremely hard without income and they have started their own very small savings and loan programme.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/06/2024 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
South Sudan has been gripped by civil war almost continually since it achieved nationhood in 2013. Hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of refugees have fled to neighbouring countries, including Uganda. Uganda now hosts some of the largest refugee camps in the world (near Yumbe and Koboko in the north) and the numbers of refugees grows daily.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
15/12/2016 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
One of the great challenges Uganda faces is feeding it's people in a sustainable way. We believe the key to making this dream a reality is to teach and train local people to grow their own food. And in the process of doing that, they learn to care for their own families.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
11/10/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
For a number of years Touch Africa Now has been developing ministry in the Nyakagando area. This is an area of great need, most of the local people are DR Congo and South Sudanese refugees, and the girls and women are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. They want to develop small income generating activities for the most vulnerable.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2018 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
There are currently 15 churches in the Faith Harvest Network in the east of Uganda. Many of the people in these churches are poor with few resources or capital to allow them to get out of poverty. In several of the churches they have begun a small loan programme with approximately 120 people. The concept here is to boost this so it becomes available to more people.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2023 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
At the end of 2005 BHW received an emergency call from one of our partners, Andy Patching from Isubilo in Zambia. He knew a person in Solwezi, Zambia who was caring for 60 orphans and vulnerable children. Joseph Kampelembi and his wife had been sending them to school but could not afford it for 2006. We therefore gave them the funds to get them going and asked them to make an application for the following year.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2006 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Samfya Bible School is a key provider of training in the Luapula Province of Zambia. Every year they train about 30 people who become pastors, evangelists, church planters and change agents in their communities. They produce high quality graduates, many of whom are making a huge impact on their communities.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2001 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Samfya Bible School has been preparing Christian leaders since 1940 and is a key provider of training in the Luapula Province of Zambia. However recently a need has been identifed for a ministry to youth. The extension program aims to teach church leaders about youth programs and how to handle youth, but they had no ministry actually reaching young people.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Fountain of Hope is a faith based organization run by Gideon and Jennifer whose main mission is to combat the spread and reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS on orphans and vulnerable children, women, and the community at large through the provision of orphan care services, HIV/AIDS workshops and community based development projects.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
21/11/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Maunga Farm is a poverty stricken area. People were resettled here by the government in 2002/2002 but no infrastructure was developed. They are peasant farmers and barely make a living in a good year but years of ongoing drought have made life even more difficult. Rodwell Masanga and his family have a vision to see the community transformed and plan to move into the area and become agents of change.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
14/12/2020 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Evangelism / Church Planting, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The Rehema Ministry seeks to select needy orphans and vulnerable children within the church setting in the town of Bunia and to provide them with education assistance.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
15/07/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
An outstanding example of Christ's compassion, this partnership focuses on rescuing abandoned and often terminally ill people off the streets of Bangalore.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/12/2003 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Microfinance is the provision of small loans to those who, because of the effects of poverty, cannot access mainstream finance. These loans are often essential for people to provide for their families' needs. The loans may be as small as $50 but can totally transform a life, a family or a community.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
30/01/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Bright Hope World has partners in some of the poorest countries in the world. These are countries where a natural disaster can devastate hundreds of thousands of lives and where help may never arrive for many people. Even when help is available, it may be denied to some based on ethnicity or religion. The Bright Hope World Global Disaster Fund has been established to enable us to be prepared to help when disaster strikes.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
3/03/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$100,000 + |
For several years BHW has been supporting Harvest Partnership and their work in the Great Lakes area of Africa and Kenya. One of the ministries that developed was a street kids work in the town of Mariakani, near Mombassa. This work, KENSHA Youth Outreach, grew and now there are about 250 kids engaged every week, being encouraged and mentored.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
21/08/2023 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Foundations for Farming is a programme used by Bright Hope World partners that challenges mindsets and traditions related to using land and growing crops.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/03/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
There are some places on earth that are hard places, hard to get to, hard to enter and hard to work in. The land of the Koti people is one of those places on earth. The Koti are an ethnic group with a very basic lifestyle, living on the north coast of Mozambique. Most children grow up in poverty, living in simple huts made from mud and sticks built on the sand and eating mash made from dried tapioca with a salty fish soup.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2006 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Chak no 74 is a small village in Faisalabad district with approximately 5,000 families living there, only 300 of whom are Christians. Most of the population is uneducated with parents preferring their children to work instead of study so many young boys and girls are sent to work at an early age due to poverty. In particular, parents are not sending girls to college after school because of a lack of finances and transport issues so girls stay home and wait to be married. Any sort of skill is therefore a great blessing for them and a sewing course can have a huge impact in a girl’s life.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
18/12/2018 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
The brick kilns in Pakistan are notorious for child labour and human slavery. More than one million children are working in the brick kilns just in Punjab alone. They do not go to school and are illiterate. Many are forced into early marriages, especially the girls. It is a hard life and our partners there want to see things change and set people free. Education is an important part of the solution.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/10/2021 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Manuel leads development of a missionary training centre in the jungle town of Atalaya, strategically located to help prepare workers from churches of five nearby tribes.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2001 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Heirs of Grace is a ministry established by Antonia Yalta, a Segadores missionary, to help forgotten (or neglected) children in tribal communities. Antonia joined Segadores in 1996 and through her cross-cultural experiences, she felt God's call to enter a ministry of sharing God's love to children of exploited and forgotten tribal villages of the jungle.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
7/07/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Cristina works alongside Antonia Yalta (PER10) and is involved in delivering training and programmes to the Amazon tribal children and their families.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/09/2015 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The Good News Team creatively and effectively shares the gospel and love of Jesus to hundreds of thousands of people in Thailand. Aiming at children, they hope many will accept Jesus as Lord and lead others to Christ, transforming whole communities.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/10/2001 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Rahab rescues girls from prostitution in the bars of Bangkok and helps rehabilitate them through training and education.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2003 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
The places the hill tribe people of Thailand live in are hard places. They are steep and difficult. The land they use for farming is subject to erosion and drought. They are a long way from towns and cities and they eke out an existence. They have little infrastructure and development. In general, life is tough, very tough.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Water shortages are increasing as a result of global warming and other climatic / environmental factors. Villagers continue to ask for assistance with establishing new systems and expanding old ones, as a consequence of nearby water sources drying up, village population's increasing and/or villages being relocated to new areas. Access to improved water supply is not only a fundamental need and human right, it also has considerable health and economic benefits to households and individuals.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/09/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
As Timothy and Janepher Kakooza began to plant a church in Katosi, they very quickly found that the village had many children, few schools and many orphans.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2004 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Mbale village was formed by internally displaced people from the city of Mbale. They are poor and trying to eke out a living from fishing. There is a great deal of drunkenness, abuse and very few children were going to school. Timothy and Janepher wanted to do something so sent some teachers to this village to start a school.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
10/10/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
The Christian Fellowship Churches (CFC) and Child Care Ministries (CCM) in Busia, Uganda, offer holistic ministry leadership training and care to people in their local communities. In the recent past, these communities have experienced wars, hostile nomadic tribe invasions, HIV/AIDS, disease and poverty. Although matters have been improving some of these issues remain everyday realities for them. They offer the Good News of Jesus while showing and practicing His love.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
10/10/2001 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
In the heart of Lira, a large town in Northern Uganda, there is a remarkable story of resilience and recovery. At Hope Restoration Centre two sisters, Penninah Okello and Anna Ocen, provide refuge and support to a group of 29 children who have emerged from the shadows of a tumultuous past.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2006 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Anna Ocen has been working with a group of widows and single mothers in Mbale where she lives. These women have set up a small loan programme but are needing additional funds to take their businesses to the next level.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Over the lake from Samfya, in the Northern Province of Zambia, lies a little village almost totally dependent on fishing. "It is a poor village, as poor as I have ever seen in Africa." says the BHW Africa Director. The seven churches in the village have got together and identified 230 orphans and vulnerable children who need assistance, especially with schooling.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/10/2007 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
On the border of Zambia and the DRC, near the city of Ndola, lives a solo mother who has been trained in orphan care and how to set up care programmes. Doris initially identified 36 vulnerable orphaned children who live in this border area and who went to her church.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2007 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Living in a low cost housing area of urban Africa is not a pleasant thing. When your suburb has many hotels and beer halls it places you in the midst of poverty and everything associated with that. That is where Titus Mambwe and some of his friends live and they have decided to do something about it.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/09/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Gideon and Jennifer have been living in and working with the community of Mthombothemba since the early 2000's. In the process of doing so they have discovered many vulnerable children; orphans, abused and abandoned children and children affected by the high levels of poverty in the community. They have brought a number of them into a secure home to better care for them.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
30/01/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Gideon and Jennifer have developed many networks and key relationships which has allowed them to have a significant impact in this community. This partnership focuses on getting the most vulnerable children in the community into school and feeding them once a day, providing goat loans to families of vulnerable children so they can afford to send their own children to school and training local communities in Foundations for Farming methods and mind sets.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
22/11/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Gideon and Jennifer have developed many networks and key relationships which has allowed them to have a significant impact in this community. This partnership focuses on feeding the most vulnerable children in the community, providing goat loans to families of vulnerable children so they can afford to send their own children to school and training local communities in Foundations for Farming methods and mind sets.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2015 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Zimbabwe's economy is driven by agriculture and the majority of rural people depend on it for their livelihood. About 80% of the rural population live in regions where rainfall is erratic and unreliable, making dry land cultivation a big challenge. The success rate of rain fed agriculture has been known to be in the order of one good harvest in every 5 years. It is to this backdrop that Fountain of Hope would like to continue to improve the quality of life in these regions of Zimbabwe, one village at a time, through increasing household food security.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/10/2016 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Octavio and Justina are involved in church planting in the city of Villamontes. They also travel to remote villages, accessible only by foot, with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/06/2005 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Tino was one of the founders of a Bright Hope World funded dairy farm in Bolivia and for many years was co-manager of the farm project. Currently he and Nelda are fully involved in the Bible Institute, as managers of the Institute, teaching some of the modules and mentoring the students.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/06/2005 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Bunia Central Prison has approximately 1,200 people incarcerated, with men, women and children all in the same prison. Some of the children were born in prison. Jacqueline Atido and her team go into the prison every Saturday and conduct a Bible study as well as providing Christian counseling to any who need particular help and prayer.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
There are many vulnerable children in the Katanga Province of the DRC, in particular in Likasi, a mining city of about half a million people. A group of Christians have decided to care for as many of these abandoned children as they can with their own resources. Currently there are about 50 children being assisted.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/08/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
The Orphan's Place of Peace was established in July 2018 when Rev Israel Ngirababo decided to start taking care of children who had been orphaned when their parents lost their lives during different rebellion wars that happened, and continue happening, in the eastern part of the DR Congo.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
29/09/2022 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Young people in Cairo have many issues to deal with and in general find it very difficult to gain employment. This Vocational Training Centre enables them to develop skills that will give them an advantage when seeking employment.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2015 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
The people of this community are rubbish collectors. They pick through the rubbish bins and skips on the streets of Helwan City, take it home and sort it out. They then try to make a living from selling it to recyclers. It is tough work, it is filthy work. Their whole community smells of rubbish. This is where they live, work and die. It is home to thousands of people.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
29/10/2015 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
For several years BHW has been supporting the Holiness Movement as they developed a loan programme among their churches. As the leaders of the programme moved around the churches they have discovered other impacts of poverty on their people. A major one is that in many villages where their people live there is a great deal of competition for the young people. Other groups are snatching their children by providing preschool education and they want to respond to this.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
6/06/2024 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
There are huge numbers of poor in Cairo. It is a hub for the poor and for countless generations for refugees. They are spread right throughout the city.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
14/11/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
There are tens of thousands of refugees in Cairo. They come from around the Middle East and Sudan. Currently NB regularly meets with a group of refugees from Syria and Sudan. They are Muslim families that have no one to turn to on arrival in Egypt.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Among the poor in Cairo are many men who are addicted to various substances. Poverty and despair leads them to become involved in drug taking. This then causes deeper levels of poverty for them and their families and a descent into desperation. A large number of families have been destroyed because of this. These men roam the streets looking for their next fix and live on the streets. They abandon their families and then they too become victims. For every one person brought back from drug dependency up to 10 people are helped.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
14/11/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
The Christian people of Upper Egypt are the poorest of the poor. Generally, they really struggle to eke out a living, to educate their children and if an emergency comes, they have nothing to fall back on. SB and her husband come from Upper Egypt and they have many friends and contacts there.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
14/11/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Soul Salvation Church in the city of Assiut is one of the largest, most influential churches in Upper Egypt. It is non-denominational and has many ministries including a vocational training centre. The two aspects involved in this partnership are a sewing centre and two education tutoring centres.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2022 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Father A has established a house for the poor in a poorer part of Assiut city. Every day except Sunday a group of about 15 women come to the centre to cook 350 meals which are then delivered to the poor.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2022 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
For several years the SSS has been providing medical assistance to the poor in Assiut. There are about 5 million people in this area, approximately 50% of them are Christians and 60% of them live below the poverty line. There is a huge need and medical help is a major issue.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
14/05/2024 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Many women in this network are coming to faith. They are pretty much all very poor and many are abused or abandoned. A small business loan programme has been commenced but the number of women coming into the movement is overwhelming the resources available. This programme is the establishment and boosting of a loan project to empower women and help them support their families.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/07/2024 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Evangelism / Church Planting, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Moloy and Anita have a strong desire to see poor children given the chance of a decent education despite the pressures they face within their families, the education system and the community.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/10/2016 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Sowers International is an organisation that trains churches to evangelise in their communities by using the method of open air preaching. They have a well developed, five level training programme that sees thousands of team members a year trained, hundreds of open air messages preached, many people counselled and hundreds of new churches a year planted in Africa.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/01/2002 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Ministries for Asia-Pacific conduct evangelistic missions and training at the request of and in cooperation with local churches and Christian organizations in the Asia-Pacific region. Their Rural Evangelist Adoption Programme is a two-year support and training programme for rural evangelists.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
6/02/2014 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Every year around 50 children graduate from the Mathare Valley Secondary School.These young people are living in a squalid, unsafe environment and during the 9 month gap between sitting their exams and starting their training many of them fall into trouble. Camp Moriah is a six month discipleship programme which takes these young people away from Mathare Valley.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
7/06/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Lean on Me was established by Jacklyne Ogutu who had a vision to create change in her family village, Nyatike Division, Migori County. This partnership consists of a number of different projects including the production and distribution of reusable sanitary pads, and health talks to keep girls in education. They also have their own all girls’ soccer team to empower the young women involved. In addition, Jackie is passionate about table banking and trains and mentors members of the community in the programme.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
21/02/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Since the Syrian crisis started in 2011, Lebanon has been hosting millions of Syrian refugees who have found it a temporary place to live while they decide where to immigrate. The church has stepped in and been able to extend help on different levels.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Zahle is the city in the heart of the Be'qaa Valley. This has been a troubled hot spot for many years during the internal conflicts in Lebanon and latterly the war in Syria. Izdihar became aware that there were many poor families living in the community who were struggling to make ends meet. They were having babies and these babies were not being cared for because the parents did not have either the resources or the knowledge required. This resulted in much infant mortality, malnutrition and chronic illness.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2020 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
SOWERS International is an organisation that trains churches to be able to reach out to their community. Nepal is one of the newer countries they have become involved in and the work is growing rapidly. This partnership is to financially support the key person, Navin, for a period so he can grow the ministry.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
7/07/2014 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
This partnership sees the establishment of a fund to assist high performing students get other forms of post-secondary school training. Many Christian young people finish school with good grades but because of poverty at home or not knowing the right people they struggle to get jobs. This programme is to bridge that gap, to get them into good institutions and to the front of the employment line.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Godofredo and Teresa are involved in pastoral care, teaching, counselling and evangelism. Godofredo has written the Life Course which is a five part evangelistic Bible study used extensively throughout Peru. Recently he has been involved in a church plant in the south of Peru. Godofredo has been leading church planting in the Cajamarca area.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/04/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Saul and Clara are involved in training programmes, teaching, counselling and discipling. He also takes students to the mission field to live with different people-groups as part of their cross cultural experience, working mainly in the jungle areas.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2001 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Oscar carries out his ministry in the city of Lima and in the jungle of Peru where he visits five different native communities periodically. Oscar is part of Segadores, a Peruvian church planting group dedicated to reaching the tribes of the Amazon basin.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2002 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Antonia is involved in frequent visits to Amazon tribal children and missionary children in the Peruvian jungle. She has a ministry with children, feeding them a meal a day as well as teaching reading and handicraft work. This is a significant ministry with growing opportunities for witnessing.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/04/2003 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
ECPM has started a new training programme designed to reach high school and college students in partnership with the local churches that are situated near school campuses. The thrust is to help churches establish campus ministry and at the same time assist them in training their youth leaders. This is a one-year and two-year training programme for teams of youth campus leaders composed of 2 to 3 members. The prospective team members are Christian students studying in the target school.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
7/11/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Prasert leads the Top Kids programme and Heart of Mercy ministry with children from the slums of Bangkok. She is a strong and influential leader who is capably training and making a significant difference in the lives of others.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/06/2001 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Top Kids is an evangelistic and teaching programme for children held every Saturday. The "Through the Bible" curriculum, written and illustrated by Prasert Taksin and her team, is used to lay a foundation to present the gospel. Around 80 children have been converted and are being discipled through this programme.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/08/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Since 2004 Chuenjit has been working with highly 'at-risk' young people (14-17 year olds) in the Youth Detention Centre north of Bangkok. She visits three times per week and conducts Bible studies as well as teaching them basic life skills.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/04/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Some people are infectious in terms of their passion, enthusiasm and expression. John and Nok are that kind of couple. They are totally convinced about their roles leading a church planting movement in Thailand, and traditionally it has not been an easy place to plant churches. They are a key couple with a great dream and a mighty God who loves Thai people.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/04/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Thomas Lubari and his wife Joyce Gaba are extensively involved in various ministries and activities in Jinja where they live. They lead a church in Njeru and are also involved in church planting, Foundations for Farming training, running trauma healing workshops, a micro-loan programme, and overseeing a vocational training programme.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2007 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Rosemary Daka and her late husband Lonard have been church planting in this area of Zambia for about 35 years. As they developed churches they were swamped by the needs of the vulnerable children and their guardians. They started 'Chifundo' to care for the children, to resource and encourage the guardians, to get the children into school and assist the community.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/04/2005 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Kamatipa, a small rural village of several hundred located in the Copperbelt of Zambia, is home to many orphaned children who are in desperate need of food, clothing, bedding and assistance with school fees. Kamatipa is on the outskirts of Chingola and is in a very remote area. Many children are unwell due to lack of food.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2005 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Rebecca Kaumba is s retired lady who lives in Chivuma. In the church she used to attend in Chingola, Lulamba CMML, she has a number of friends. One of them, Elizabeth Palata, mentioned to Rebecca that there were a lot of vulnerable children in her neighbourhood and she encouraged her to get them together and try to help them. She did and found there were more than 20 children. Bright Hope World now assists these children to go to school.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2004 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
OM Zambia is a missions training centre that is equipping potential missionaries and the churches that send them. It is particularly aimed at mobilising the African church for the task of missions. It is based at a strategic location and produces good quality graduates.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
10/10/2004 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
Disabled people are often an unreached people group because they are usually thrown out of home due to the belief that they are cursed and will bring a curse to families. Normally the father will leave the family and the mother is left to look after these children but they have no ability to look after them well in terms of finance or skills so often children are just left alone.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/04/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
The team at GLO Bible College realised there was a need to re-evaluate the way they relate to the local church and their vision is to "Equip the church for the future".
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/12/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
The rural areas around Chipata are very poor and have increasing issues each year as the climate seems to be getting drier and drier. The HIV/AIDS pandemic there has also created a number of orphaned children in the area.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
12/12/2007 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
In 2010 Roy and Sarah Nyirenda were challenged by the number of deaf children in the community where they live who were being dumped by their parents. They decided to adopt some of these children as their own, as they had nowhere else to go.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
13/02/2015 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Gideon and Jennifer have developed many networks and key relationships which has enabled them to have a significant impact in various remote villages in Zimbabwe. Mtshazo village is a village in a new area, approximately 85 kms to the south of Mthombothemba. There is no church there but a strong invitation.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/10/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
A Trades Training Institute has been set-up in association with the Camiri Bible Institute to provide practical training for the students so they can support themselves as they work to grow the church in towns and villages throughout Bolivia.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
22/04/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Eli and Raquel Antelo have undergone training at the Bible School in Camiri and have now moved to the town of San Juan del Pirai with the intention of establishing a church there. This partnership will provide the funds necessary for them to purchase a carpentry shop as an income generating business.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
11/11/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The Christian communities of Egypt have traditionally been poor, especially in Upper Egypt. Most are daily workers and they usually only get seasonal work. Life is tough for them, made more difficult by the fact that they are an oppressed minority. They have few or no resources to fall back on and the church is their community. This partnership is about developing a loan fund from which people can borrow to start up small enterprises and so lift themselves out of poverty.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2018 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
There are a number of key people involved in the development of new churches in Northern Ethiopia. It is important to continue developing and encouraging them so 3 to 4 training sessions per year are organised for the church planters and for existing and emerging church leaders. These give them new skills and develop them so they can be more effective in the difficult circumstances in which they live.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
15/05/2005 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
At the heart of the Ethiopia partnership is the desire to grow the church in Northern Ethiopia. This growth is two-fold, to see existing leaders develop more skills and to empower them, and to facilitate the establishment of churches in new areas by sending out and equipping people to plant new churches.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
15/05/2005 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
There are many young people in Ethiopia whose sight has been severely compromised. There are many reasons for this, poor eye care, rural accidents, mineral deficiencies and congenital problems. All the ones on this programme developed eye issues as children or young people.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
11/11/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Asezo is one of the poorest parts of the city of Gondar. Many people live there and in that mix, many vulnerable old people try to survive. Many are disabled or blind and there is no social welfare programme to care for the poor.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
13/12/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Life in rural villages and towns in Ethiopia is not easy, especially for the elderly. Many find themselves unable to look after themselves and take to the streets, begging to survive. This programme aims to give these elderly people some dignity in the last days of their lives and to keep them nourished.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
13/12/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
BHW has been involved in a number of partnerships in Ethiopia since 2005. The intention has always been to develop some form of income generation there to enable these programmes to become self-sustainable.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
15/03/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Nguluni is a small town east of Nairobi. It is open grassland, very dry and short of water. Many of the people are very poor and resort to collecting ground water for their needs. By the end of the dry season only mud is left in the pools, the water is contaminated, crops have failed and the people are even more hungry. Like many parts of Kenya, HIV/AIDS is rampant. Many schools are substandard.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
12/12/2003 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
This is a micro-enterprise fund for small scale loans that will provide employment and income for ministry in the future. More than 80 families are already benefiting from this fund.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
12/12/2003 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The African Powerhouse exists to support the most vulnerable women and children in the Mochengo Village in rural Kenya. The project is currently running a soap making business training vulnerable women in the skill of soap and hand sanitizer making. These are then sold in the marketplace, providing them with an income to support themselves and their families. They also have a women's soccer team and a primary school for the vulnerable children in the area.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
21/12/2016 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
There is an acute shortage of clean accessible water in Nyamasore village and the people depend on Lake Victoria as their main and only source of water for all their domestic needs. About 10 years ago the lake was easily accessible and the water was clean enough for human consumption. However, it has now been covered by water hyacinth which makes it hard to access the clean water.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
28/03/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Grace Abanga has been supporting the elderly and vulnerable women in the Nyamasore area for a number of years now. This project to set-up a chicken layers unit seeks to provide them with another source of income, empowering the women to be self-sustaining and meet their daily needs.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/06/2024 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Bob Abdalla pastors a church on the outskirts of Kisumu and invests much of his time helping the vulnerable in his community. With the help of Bright Hope World he was able to purchase a tuk tuk and run a transport service with it. This project generates income to financially support Bob and his family enabling him to more effectively serve and minister to the community. This project also provides employment to a member of Bob’s congregation who works as the driver.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/06/2021 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Namana is the Malagasy word for friend, and expresses our desire to come alongside the socially and economically isolated poor of Madagascar to give them a better future through micro loans. They will also be trained in entrepreneurial skills, Biblical values and basic economics.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
6/06/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Ambovombe Androy is deep in the South of Madagascar on the coast. It is regarded as one of the poorest places on the country. The majority of the people depend on relief and are deeply entrapped in inter-generational cycles of poverty.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
29/04/2014 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The support of emerging Christian leaders with Operation Mobilization (OM) is the key objective of this project. Without the ability to create a local base for supporting key people, this program will always struggle to survive. Even though the leaders are quite young there are opportunities for this to work. It is not uncommon for both male and female young people to have their own animals. The barrier is being able to get the initial animals as many of the families have huge numbers of children as men have multiple wives. Children are under severe pressure to drop out of school to assist their families economically by herding the cattle or the girls are married off so they cease to be an economic burden. This project will give young people much more control of their own destiny.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
14/09/2020 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
There are many communities in Nepal that are not developing and in which there are inadequate facilities and incentives to grow. Nawal Parasi was developed to provide opportunities for agriculture and medical growth by the Ray of Hope Society.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/08/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The Ray of Hope Society has been at work in Nawal Parasi providing opportunities for the community through agricultural schemes and medical facilities. This partnership focused on the development of a 3,000 bird poultry farm to provide sustainable income and employment for local families, access to cheaper eggs for the community, and a means to generate funds for use in other evangelistic endeavours within Nepal.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
15/08/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
For a number of years Niranjan and Sonu Adhikary were very concerned about the dependence that a lot of Christian ministry in Nepal had on outside funding and resources. They subsequently developed a Nepali way of doing and funding ministry and have been encouraging people to think differently. Part of this was to establish a Resource Centre to provide loans for members to establish businesses to support themselves and also generate funds to support church planters. This project is an extension of that and provides larger loans to a few key people.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
13/10/2020 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The Books Reading Cafe is a fusion of books (both a library and books to buy), an internet facility, and a coffee and food cafe in a peaceful environment. It is a place where ROHS can meet people and share the gospel and where discipleship can happen naturally. There is a real lack of good cafes in Kathmandu where people can study and also enjoy healthy food.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/06/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Many young Nepalese, in fact most young Nepalese, see their future outside of Nepal. From an early age their sole ambition is to leave the country for education and for employment. They do not like Nepal and they are attracted to the lifestyle outside the country. Their dream is to get to the West and if that fails, to get to India. However, most do not make it and their dream dies. They have few opportunities in Nepal and they are unmotivated to attempt anything.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
27/07/2021 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
For two years BHW has been supporting sewing training courses near to Faisalabad. This project is to enable the women who have been trained to sew to earn a better living for their families by sewing garments for sale.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Edward Qasar and his father, Pastor Manzoor Jalal, have had a long term vision to establish a sewing factory in Lahore to both provide employment for local people and generate income for their ministry in Pakistan. The plan is to develop this factory so that eventually it will employ around 300 people.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
There are more and more young people moving into the Chaklala area as the community develops. There are many issues associated with you people, especially drug use. There is little for the local youths to do and our partners there want to provide something positive for them that will help them with their education as well. Hence, the computer centre.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
13/03/2024 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Jose Isabel is involved in visiting villages in and around Cajamarca each week to share the gospel and has weekly meetings with various non-Christian families. He is also involved in helping with translation work for Wycliffe translating the Bible into Quechua. Bright Hope has a carpentry shop project that has enabled him to become self supporting (see PER03b).
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/07/2002 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
This was set up to support Jose Isabel Ayay's missionary work (PER03a) and enable him to do more frequent evangelism visits. They are hoping to purchase more equipment to make the shop more productive.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/07/2005 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Jorge is involved in various ministries including a church plant situation that now has 70 members. They are planning a church plant in a village called San Juan when the church membership reaches 150. Jorge and his wife Cecilia have two childen.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/04/2005 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The church at Centro Christiana Vida is currently running a trial chicken farm in Cajamarca. The purpose is to generate some profit to fund church planting in the Cajamarca region. The intention is to expand the chicken farm to fully fund Jorge Asto and his family as church planters. The chicken farm should be self supporting in six months.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/01/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
ECPM is looking to start a business refilling printer ink cartridges as an income generation activity to start the process of self-sustainability.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
14/04/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Kelabo and Arou towns are in the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. They are rural communities that are struggling with the huge increases in food prices, especially of rice. The churches in these towns have realised they can do something to assist their communities so they sent selected people to attend a training programme to learn how to grow rice. They then returned to their communities and have grown rice as a model. A mill will be put into each village to encourage the development.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/07/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The Christian Leaders Training College (CLTC) has been runing a rice growing training programme since 2006 and as part of this programme they were keen to install a rice mill so trainees could also learn how to mill the rice.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/06/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Largely on account of its isolation, Hauna village and the Wokoma area of the Sepik Valley have suffered from benign neglect. Consequently the 3,000 people (approximately) who live in Hauna and the surrounding villages are facing big financial difficulties now.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/09/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Many Thai church planters are working in small villages where the new church is not able to fully support them and their families. Mushroom cultivation has proven to be an effective means of providing partial support for pastors and church planters as it does not require full-time commitment to working on the project.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/07/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
In the East of Uganda two existing loan programmes have been successful and a number of participants now want to take out larger loans that have extended repayment periods.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/10/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Thomas and Joyce Lubari lead a church in Jinja, Uganda which comprises of some of the poorest people in Uganda. They have a real heart for these people and this micro-loan programme is an exciting development to enable them to offer a helping hand to the people in their congregation.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/12/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
This area is known in Uganda as a cattle and dairy farming area. It is fertile and there are many very large farms and ranches. Using dairy cows to generate income therefore has good potential to support the key people financially and to assist the poor in the area to become self-sustaining.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
3/03/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Marumba Christian School is a community school located in the village of Marumba. It has been established to help less privileged children attain a better quality of education and to be imparted with spiritual values.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
21/04/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
BHW has been partnering with Emmanuel Mission for a number of years and various programmes have been initiated. They have proved to be a very reliable partner and they have worked very faithfully in the various endeavours. This partnership is to establish a loan fund in Uganda to develop various projects from there, rather than for each one of them to have to come back to BHW for approval and facilitation.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/10/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
KERO farms has been set up to support the orphans in Beracah Orphan Care and to provide employment for people in the local area. The local chief has granted Bright Hope 300 hectares in three locations.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2002 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
KERO farm has been set up to provide employment for people and support the orphans in Beracah Orphans. This year requires the purchase of some equipment to change this from being a small scale peasant farm into a commercial operation: an ox cart, a solar irrigation pump, barbed wire, 7 animals and 1,000 banana plants. The plan is that by 2010 the place will be self sustaining.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/12/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
In recent years, Chaba has struggled with the impacts of overfishing and is finding it harder to make a living from this traditional trade. As a whole the community is finding that they must become more reliant on agriculture production and diversification as a means of providing food and income for their families. The goal here is to increase the standard of living in Chaba by investing in local agriculture infrastructure.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/07/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
For a number of years BHW has been supporting a partnership in Chisasa, ZAM15. This involves the support of vulnerable children and getting them into school. The leadership also want to develop self sustaining programmes to start generating their own funds and have a number of plans to do that.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Mandiva is located in Masvingo province of Zimbabwe, one of worst regions for low rainfall. The rainfall they receive every farming season is below normal and the soil is very poor for farming which leaves the people of this region in dire need of food almost every year.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/10/2016 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Gideon and Jennifer have developed many networks and key relationships which has enabled them to have a significant impact in various remote villages in Zimbabwe. Chirogwe is not far from Mandiva and is very remote and arid. There is a church of about 80 people in the area and the people are pretty poor.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/10/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Nemauzhe is a community in Chivi district of Masvingo province which was influenced by the community of Mandiva (ZIM02d) to consider practicing farming God’s way as a way of breaking the cycle of poverty. It is one of the largest communities in Chivi with many villages. As they have done in other communities like Makamure (ZIM02c), Fountain of Hope will slowly move from one village to another until the whole community has been transformed to be able to change their situation and circumstances.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
24/09/2020 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Rehema Ministry currently focuses its ministry to equip vulnerable children with basic education at primary school level. While the present support programme is extremely valuable to the parents/caregivers and children, offering a secondary school chance for these vulnerable children would be an incredible help as it will lead them to a vocation that will sustain them in life and keep them away from the danger of going onto the street where their future may be completely ruined.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
30/10/2014 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
LASI was established in 1991 when the HIV/AIDS epidemic was in full cry. Pastor Bingi was just a young man and, in his ministry, met many people experiencing such trauma because of their circumstances that they were in no position to hear the good news he preached to them. He therefore determined that he had to become more closely involved with people to be able to deliver the words of life so he established LASI to advocate for people and help them.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/08/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The dream is that Centre Amani ("Peace Centre") will be a safe space, where children and young people in Bweremana, Democratic Republic of Congo, have the opportunity to consider and begin to fulfil their potential.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
26/02/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Sowers International has been operating in Lubumbashi for a number of years, struggling along with little support or growth. Since 2007 it has been reactivated and is now developing. For the work to grow it requires someone to lead and champion it, Emmanuel Kakudji is that man and this partnership provides financial support for the work including support for him and his wife.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
13/08/2014 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
SPCM operates as an umbrella organisation for Sowers International in the DRC and for ACIS, a Christian ministry to deaf people. This project will provide employment and an income for people from both organisations who will work in it.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
28/05/2020 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The Cula river remains the only water system close to the population of Chikera town. During the rainy season the river overflows, sweeping away everything in its path, and presents a high risk of drowning for adults and children who go there to fetch water.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
24/06/2021 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
NCEC is a mother church for many small churches in small towns and villages around Cairo. The church has strong relationships with these churches and to support them has set up a social committee and a loan programme. They operate separately and attempt to meet the needs of the poor in these churches.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/01/2018 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Pastor A is concerned that the majority of Christian children do not get a good start to education and because of this, they fail at school and drop out early thus continuing the cycle of poverty in families.
He wants to start a kindergarten to assist the young children obtain a good start to their education and address the poor start that most kids have to education.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/07/2024 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
There are many widows living on the streets of Ethiopian cities. In Gondar our partners have done something about it. They approached the local council to identify some of the most vulnerable elderly people. They were allocated 58 and in partnership with the local Council, who designated a building, each day the widows come from begging on the streets for a meal.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
7/07/2007 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
A church in Debre Markos was supporting five vulnerable people, however there are many more who needed assistance but could not be funded. This support will supplement the support the church currently gives and allow them to increase the number of beneficiaries to around 30.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2007 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The Great Lakes area of Africa is a place wracked by conflict, violence, abuse and poverty. But it is also a place where the Good News of Jesus is spreading quickly through the towns and villages. Harvest Partnership has a number of key people working in this area to promote the concept of Church Planting Movement (CPM), encouraging and training people to share their lives and the Good News in their homes and bring people together in simple small groups.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/06/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Life has never been easy in the Great Lakes area of Africa. The team based here works under the banner of Harvest Partnership but this group has diminishing resources and have a desire to see their key people become bi-vocational and self-sustaining, and not dependent on external resources for their living.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
22/05/2020 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
For a number of years Andrew Diprose and some local Italian people have been working with migrants who come to Italy as refugees, many of them without status and illegal immigrants. Traditionally they have mainly come from Bangladesh, India and Nepal.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
30/09/2015 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Manara (Lighthouse) International is based in Amman, Jordan. They find themselves in a strategic place, a place of refuge for many displaced people from around the Middle East. They have a particular focus on refugees who make up almost one third of Jordan's population. Refugees have come in the past from Palestine, Kuwait, Egypt and Iraq and most recently people fleeing the turmoil in Syria have sought refuge in Jordan. Manara works to assist them with counselling, friendship, food, clothing and other basic essentials.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
11/11/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
For many years Manara International has been attempting to assist Iraqi refugees. Much of it has revolved around helping them with food, shelter and encouragement. This project is about empowering the women, teaching them sewing and embroidery skills, which will help them in both the short and long term, wherever they end up.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
15/12/2016 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Mathare Valley compound is a shocking place. Yet amongst all the noise, filth, confusion and chaos live thousands of beautiful young children. Without the intervention of Mathare Community Outreach (MCO), few of them would ever get a chance at a normal life, safety and education. This partnership is about educating as many young people as possible to give them a chance to become significant and productive.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
15/03/2002 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Robert Gitau and his late wife Rose have been instruments of transformation for many years in the Tala / Nguluni community. They chose to go and live there to plant a church. Finding great poverty caused them to start a school as well and over the past years have mentored and assisted many families and individuals.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
12/12/2003 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Food production in rural Kenya isn't easy. Robert and Rose Gitau live in an area where there is little rain and poor soil and they need to feed many people. BHW is working with them to help them grow food, to provide for themselves and the hundreds of children they care for.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Bob Abdalla is a church planter/pastor in the west of Kenya near Kisumu. In the post-election violence in 2008 his wife's tailoring business was destroyed therefore taking away their only income source.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/04/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The Fame Children's Home cares for 53 children from nearby villages. The majority of their homes are poverty riddled and HIV/AIDS affected with one or no biological surviving parents. The home provides a secure Christian environment for these children, providing good nutrition and a stable learning environment.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/11/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
This partnership involves developing a dairy farm as an income generating activity to generate funds for Mathare Community Outreach (KEN01b) which seeks to educate vulnerable children living in the Mathare Valley slum.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
13/02/2015 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Eshel Garden is a Foundations for Farming demonstration garden where training seminars will be held to create awareness of improved farming methods in an effort to enhance food security and reduce poverty in this area of Kenya.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
3/03/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Halisi Trust is a not-for-profit, Christian organization that believes in transformational development - change from the inside out. Halisi Trust believes that in empowering youth through alternative education they will be providing an opportunity to come together and solve root problems thus inspiring long term values based solutions.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
15/04/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Kenya's forests are in terminal decline so the Kijani team are developing a plan to get a long term, sustainable reforestation programme underway. They are establishing a tree planting and agro-reforestation initiative and plan to use Foundations for Farming techniques to achieve this.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/12/2015 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Nyamasore is a sandy area and nothing much grows there without irrigation. People were struggling to live and survive so Grace Abanga began a small loan programme. The impact has been incredible. Farmers are now growing vegetables and earning a living from their gardening.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
This project is a small scale income generation activity to support the vulnerable in the community in which Pastor Bob lives and pastors a church. The church has been assisting vulnerable widows and children to get to school and start up small businesses with some success but they desire to start their own income generation to increase the resources available.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
26/10/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
On 4th August 2020, a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the port of the city of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, exploded, causing at least 207 deaths, 7,500 injuries, and US$15 billion in property damage, and leaving an estimated 300,000 people homeless. This is a very difficult situation. The Lebanese economy was in steep decline long before the blast and there were many people in need. Add to this the huge numbers of Syrian refugees in the country, political instability and the impact of COVID-19, the last thing they needed was another catastrophe. But that is exactly what they got.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
23/03/2021 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Some of the older children in the Kutwanana programme have now graduated from secondary school. They are the future leaders of the work and in the local churches. Without some assistance, they face the struggle of not being able to get training and move into serious employment. The purpose of this is to give scholarships to key young people to assist them with their post secondary school training.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The work in the north of Mozambique is growing. Several people from the work of Chrissy and Suzen Lukanga have been trained in various places and are moving into rural communities as agents of change. This project is assisting them to establish small scale enterprises so they have a reason to be in the community and to provide an income for their families.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/01/2024 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Poverty is a huge issue in Myanmar and even more so amongst Christians there as often they are expelled from their communities and struggle to survive. One of our partners there is seeking to address this issue in his area. This partnership involves providing a one-off amount for him to buy a Chinese tractor.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
MCTS is a training centre just outside Yangon, Myanmar. But this partnership is not just about theological training, it's about empowering and equipping a generation of Christ followers and community leaders. The plan is to develop a chicken broiler unit to generate profit which would be used to support the operating costs of MCTS and to support key agents of change in their communities.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Due to the recent cyclone many people are with out food and water. Our contact in Myanmar Dr Aung is asking for our help in being able to provide resources to buy rice, garlic, potatoes and onions for the most needy.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The Peace Children's Home was established in 2003 and exists to bring healing to orphaned or abandoned children by providing an environment where they can grow strong emotionally, physically and spiritually, and become healthy adults and productive citizens. The plan is to start an internet cafe as a way of providing funds for the Children's Home.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/07/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
For a number of years BHW has been partnering with Samuel Thang. He is a pastor and leader and cares for many vulnerable children. This micro-loan programme will seek to enable church pastors to become self-sufficient, provide employment for the older youth at Peace Children's Home and empower poor rural Christians.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
10/11/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Poverty is rife in the suburbs of Yangon. Many people cannot make ends meet, even people with jobs struggle to clothe, feed, house and educate their families. Along with that, a number of recent climate events have added pressure onto families who have little to fall back on economically.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
11/10/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
A large number of villages in Myanmar still do not have access to clean water and sanitation facilities. And, because they are poor they do not have the knowledge/experience in design and construction to establish such facilities. The Integrated Tribal Development Foundation (ITDF) is seeking to do something about this situation.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/08/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
The town of Rawat is the gateway to Islamabad and is an old historic town. Because of the Muslim domination all the Christians are very poor and no Christian from Rawat has finished high school. This partnership seeks to provide hope for these people by teaching women to sew and thereby giving them a way of gaining worthwhile employment and financially supporting their families.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/08/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The rural people in Pakistan are mainly poor peasants and daily labourers. Most Christian people in these areas are at the bottom of the food chain, the poorest of the poor. This partnership seeks to help them by training women to sew thus enabling them to increase their household income and at the very least to save money on their costs.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
30/04/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
When a woman has a skill like sewing they are able to make a large contribution to the family economics. They are able to save a lot of expense buying clothes and often they are able to even earn some money, all while staying at home.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
15/02/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
There are many young people in Pakistan who struggle to gain significant employment. To gain an advantage over others in the competitive market it's important to be as well trained in computers as possible. Information technology is a very important field in which to be proficient.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Heavy monsoon rains have flooded much of Pakistan displacing thousands of families and leaving millions homeless, but as yet no major relief efforts have begun to reach the hardest hit regions.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/08/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
For a number of years Azam and Barbara Gill have been working with poor communities, trying to help them become better educated, helping women to train so they can earn an income and helping families to grow strong. One of the great barriers they face is illiteracy amongst the adults. In the past, education has not been valued and this is now creating much poverty.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
12/12/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The inability of people in rural communities in Pakistan to read is having widespread consequences. Young people are especially affected as they are not equipped to gain employment and they are then left in the villages with little incentive and few skills to become self sustaining.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
30/08/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
For a number of years BHW has been supporting a sewing programme in Rawat township. Many women have been trained to sew and now are able to support their families because of this. As well, at the request of the community, adult literacy classes were run, mainly to help the local Christian adults to learn to read. On the back of these two successful programmes the young people in Rawat have asked for a computer training programme.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
27/07/2016 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Azam Gill has been involved in full-time ministry in Pakistan since 2002 and is very passionate about the gospel. He is fearless and travels around a lot encouraging, mentoring and training people. He sees the need to equip people to become self-sustaining educationally and economically.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Khaliq Nager is like a rural village in the middle of Lahore. This community has about 17,500 people. Many are poor, most are illiterate and place no value on educating their children, especially the girls. There is no school, no clean water, no medical or health center and most of the families have no toilet in their homes. The EGM team has a vision to transform the community and a strong component of this is to empower uneducated women by training them to sew.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
14/07/2016 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Pakistan is one of the top five countries worldwide improving access to clean water but despite this progress 22 million people still have no choice but to drink dirty water. Christians are facing a water crisis because they generally live in slum areas of cities and there are no development programs there from metropolitan or central governments.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
30/05/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Macedonio is working with Segadores helping in the search of unreached tribes. He visits the tribes sharing the gospel, material needs and teaching and encouraging those who have become Christians. Macedonio has worked for many years in the jungle areas with the Segadores group helping with projects involving better drinking water, improved health care and food crop cultivation.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/06/2003 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Four missionaries have been sent by the mission group Segadores to the town of San Fausto in Peru to start church planting in the area. Macedonio Huamani and Gerardo Huyacallan, both Peruvian, and Marcus & Adina Dumitru, from Romania lead the work there. They want to put in a solar panel to assist with development in this area which is very remote.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2006 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Rudy and Flor pastor two churches and are involved in a number of outreach Bible studies that have the potential to become new churches. They have being working in Ranao-Ranao, in Ligao City, for 13 years and there is a group of 70 people meeting in the church.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
7/07/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Elvin Buenviaje is the Executive Director of Empowered Christians in Partnership & Ministries (ECPM). He is on the full time staff of ECPM directly overseeing the operation of church planting activities and at the same time is involved in teaching church planting teams. He also visits church planting teams on the mission site to provide pastoral care and to coach the team in implementing the church planting programme.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
7/07/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
This fund was set up as an emergency fund for training/coaching or medical expenses for the ECPM workers.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
7/11/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Humanitarian, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The IN Tertiary Scholarship programme aims not only to place squatter children into university but also to provide a mentoring programme through the context of the local church. For the same price as a cup of coffee a day a Filipino student can attend university.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Vicente Enrique has been supported by BHW for a number of years. He is a key person in the ECPM training programme. Victor wants to be self-supporting and this is an attempt to help his family achieve that.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
11/10/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
South Sudan is a country that has emerged from a traumatic civil unrest that has left 90% of the population in utter poverty. The majority of the south Sudan population live in a pitiable situation of poverty. The introduction of a micro-loan programme to the South Sudanese will be a great relief to boost the businesses of the self employed.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
21/11/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The people in South Sudan are in a desperate state. There seems to be a real lack of hope, or ability to see what they have going for them. Many people are just lying around, being idle with maybe one family member eeking out an existence for the extended family.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
18/03/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Mazingara is a village wracked by intergenerational poverty. More than 1,000 people live in the area and there is no safe water. People collect ground water from more than 5 kms away for all uses. The water is contaminated and unsafe and the people just never wash. There is rampant sickness and disease from poor hygiene and little food in the village. The previous rainy season the village houses were all severely damaged by floods and the people are too poor to rebuild them. The primary need here according to the leaders of the village is for water.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
23/04/2019 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Num Nueng Children's Hostel was started by Takberg Church under the leadership of Pastor Ponchai Banchasawan so that Hmong tribal children on Takberg mountain could get an education that was not available in their home village. This hostel means these highly at-risk children have the chance of an education to break out of the poverty trap.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Frog farming is a very viable income-generation project that will result in church planters and their families being totally self-supporting.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
21/10/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Vision Thailand is the coordinating body for a growing church planting movement among the poor and unreached in Thailand. They are focused on training and long term mentoring of new national leaders who build small, largely self-sustaining churches that replicate themselves.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/06/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Pangani is an extremely undeveloped area with few schools. A local church has been established and is growing strongly with more than 100 people baptised in the last two years. The community has asked for a school so the leadership of CFC-CCM have decided to develop one despite having few resources.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
21/10/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Many refugees in Uganda live in extreme poverty, made worse by the fact the homes they are allocated are in the rockiest places meaning they are unable to grow crops.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
17/07/2018 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
This micro-loan programme assists local women, widows and single parents to support their families by establishing and growing their small businesses.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Personal support of Leonard & Rosemary Daka working with orphans in Chipata, Zambia. They are key leaders and oversee 50 orphans in their own village, another 45 in other villages and the development of a Community School.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2002 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Oliver Mulenga and a few of his close friends became concerned at the number of children that were living on the streets of Kalulushi, a town in the Copperbelt of Zambia, so he took action.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2004 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
About 65 kilometres into the bush from Kalulushi is the town of Katembula. It is the main town in a growing area and there are many very poor people. There is little infrastructure in the community. A number of children are being helped into school, and the children are visited to ensure they are doing well. Our partner is also training key community members in Foundations for Farming, so that they can start to train and disciple the community.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/11/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Jeremiah and Faides are the key people on the ground in Kamatipa. They tend their own farm, lead the small church of about 100 people, and care for the orphans. Jeremiah is originally from Angola and from time to time goes back there to help his people and teach in the churches.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Dick Mumba, his wife Anita and their family run a Christian school for 23 street kids in a house in Chipata, Zambia. The programme includes feeding the children and giving them spiritual guidance.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Sometimes you meet people who make an immediate impression on you. Dick and Anita are like that. They have five children of their own but have a real love, care and concern for the many vulnerable children in Zambia and have spent many years in ministry with children.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2006 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Once trained, OM graduates are sent to various parts of Africa with the aim of reaching the unreached using holistic ministries.OM encourages their graduates to be self-sustaining in their ministry by providing one-off financial support to enable them to establish income generating activities in an effort to meet their own financial needs.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/05/2023 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Charles Chibale Chola lives in the remote rural village of Kaishe where they formed an association to care for the vulnerable children in their community. There are six churches in six small villages covering about 5 kms of the road. They originally discovered 193 orphans and registered them into the organisation.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2007 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Charles is the key person in this partnership at Kaishe. He has an ideal little farm plot to look after himself. He also travels extensively to preach the gospel, frequently into the DRC which is a few kilometres from this village. We have been providing a small level of support to supplement his income.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2007 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
There are few opportunities for school leavers in the Kaishe area. Bright Hope World has worked with the community of Kaishe to establish a Skills Training Centre.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
15/07/2007 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Maplehurst Farm has been purchased in Zambia for the purpose of generating funds in Africa. The idea is to use the funds to support existing projects. It will also become a base from which to operate in Zambia and to train local people. Maplehurst Farm is a serious attempt to address the issues that face southern Africa in an appropriate way; in a way that creates a number of side benefits.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/04/2004 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Along with providing a place for training, especially training in sustainable farming methods, the Maplehurst Centre also generates income for BHW Zambia partnerships by renting various accommodation buildings at the Centre.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
27/03/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
There are many children in Kabwe whose guardians and parents are so poor that it is impossible to send the children to school. The children are keen to learn but have little or no opportunity to excel. Opportunity has come up for BHW to become involved in assisting more than 120 children in Kabwe to go to school.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/10/2008 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Currently the majority of Bright Hope World partnerships in Zambia are predominantly focused on getting HIV/AIDS orphans into school by supplying school fees, stationary and uniforms. The orphans are still looked after in the community by relatives or neighbors. However hunger is a huge issue and is potentially going to get worse. Bright Hope World has been challenged by this need and is now seeking to run kitchen garden training programmes and micro-enterprise loans in an attempt to improve household nutrition and food security as well as to kindle a spirit of self-reliance.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/03/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$8,000 - $14,999 |
The pressures of 12 years of national mismanagement and the impact of HIV / AIDS has ripped the heart out of the community of Norton. There are now large numbers of widows that are HIV+ and many, many orphans and vulnerable children. It is these vulnerable women and children that are the focus of this partnership.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/01/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
The heart of this partnership is to start a commercial vegetable production unit to generate resources that will make it possible to fund the existing beneficiaries of Tariro Support Group and grow to help more people into the future.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
7/07/2011 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
At Vimbai Primary School in Norton is a resource unit for 27 physically and intellectually challenged children. The children are not well treated by the other children or even the teachers. They have few resources, many need wheelchairs and other specialised equipment and the parents are not well able to provide it.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/12/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |