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Uganda, Africa

UGA01c - Chosen Generation Community School

Partnership Ref.:



Timothy Kakooza



Funding Status:

Partially Funded

Partnership Type:

Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting

Funding Size:

$15,000 - $99,999

Annual Budget:

US$ 21,142

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Population: 45 million

Life Expectancy: 63.7 years

GDP: US$979 per capita

Unemployed: 12%

20% earn less than US$2/day

Current Partnership Impact

60 families are being assisted

138 children are being supported into schooling

9 people employed in partner businesses

Partnership Overview

Sent to MbaleTimothy and Janepher Kakooza have lived in Katosi on the shores of Lake Victoria since the mid 1990's. They went there to establish a church as part of a church planting vision for the islands of Lake Victoria. Very quickly they discovered the severe poverty in the area largely bought about by the challenging lifestyles of the fishermen. Initially they started a school in Katosi, extending it to a boarding facility for the many chlidren either without parents, or who lived a long way away (UGA01a). They also started a medical clinic to deal with health issues. In the process of living and serving there, they discovered the little village of Mbale, about 10 kms down a dirt road from Katosi.

Mbale village was formed by internally displaced people from the city of Mbale. They are poor and trying to eke out a living from fishing. There is a great deal of drunkenness, abuse and very few children were going to school.

Timothy and Janepher wanted to do something so sent some teachers over there to start a school (Photo of teachers above). Temporary buildings were erected, and children were gathered together.  That was in 2010 and now there is an established school which is continuing to expand. 

clean waterTwo new classroom blocks have been built and the old timber classroom block is used for the preparation and serving of the daily meal which the school provides. They are continuing to develop resources but the teachers remain committed to the school.

As a result of the school a church has now been planted in the area, there is new sealed roading, and another donor has provided a well which serves both the school and local community (previously they did not have access to clean water). Combined, these are all making a real difference in both the community and the lives of the children.

History of Partnership

In 2010, soon after it was established, Timothy took the BHW New Partnership Director to visit Mable and on subsequent trips to Uganda, more visits were made. It became obvious that these children were very vulnerable, that Timothy and his team were committed to the place and that there was a good uptake from the local people.

new buildingsIn 2012, because of our long partnership with Timothy and Janepher and the fact that they are truly wonderful and committed people, BHW decided to commence assisting this school. 


The main beneficiaries are the young children living in Mbale village. Prior to this school being established they had little hope of getting an education which would be an impediment to them in their lives. When the school started nearly all of the children irrespective of age went into the early class as noone could read. Initially, this created a number of issues with a huge range of ages and maturity in all the classes. Over time this issue has resolved, and the community is starting to see the value of education where before it did not.

The families living in the village are also beneficiaries. Educated children will always be of benefit in poverty affected areas. 

very basic schoolWhat We Like About The Partnership

The commitment of Timothy and Janepher and their team to intervene in a desperate situation.

The willingness of young Christian teachers to go to this difficult area to serve the community and the children. They receive very little pay for doing this.

The acceptance by the women of the village. There are not many men in the village - they are often away for long periods trying to find work and fish. They drink a lot of liquor and are generally irresponsible with their families. Domestic abuse has been rampant. 

The development of a church in the community alongside the school activity. This caters for the spiritual needs of the community as well as the educational needs. This is very important for BHW. 


Key People

Leadership Profile

Timothy and Janepher Kakooza
very basicTimothy grew up as a poor boy on the streets of Kampala. As a child he used to sell fruit to eke out a living. It was a tough life, the sort of life no child should have to live. But with quick wits he survived. By chance he heard some people singing one day and was fascinated by this. He slowly was drawn into the little church that was making the noise and over a period of time joined them and became a follower of Jesus.

As an older Christian he had a visions to help kids that grew up like he had. And so, he began to look for ways to help children. Initially he came to Katosi as it was a poor community and in the process of planting a church in this community discovered that there were many needy children amongst them.

So he and Janepher began a school which also grew into a boarding facility for those without homes, or whose families lived far away. It is both a primary and secondary school and extremely well run and successful. 

Timothy and Janepher celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary not long before the Covid lockdown in 2020. They have three daughters, one son and are also grandparents now. Several of the children support or are employed in the work. Timothy is the pastor of Community Concern Ministries, and Director of Katosi Community School, also known as Winners Home. He and Janepher also run Marisara babies Home for abandoned babies in Mukono which has also become a preschool. 


Vision And Annual Strategy

Changed liveThe vision of the Chosen Generation School is to improve the living standards of Mbale village and bring positive transformation, starting with the children.

The initial strategy was for this initiative to just be a preschool and kindergarten with perhaps Grades 1-3. By that stage the children would be old enough to walk to other schools or board at Katosi.  However, the number of children has increased dramatically and the school now caters from Grade 1 to Grade 7.

There is always the possibility of the school extending to secondary and Timothy has this on his heart. 



The financial support from BHW assists with teacher's salaries and some daily food for the children.