Bright Hope World is committed, out of concern for the needy, to use donations as cost effectively as possible.

Partnership Report

Zimbabwe, Africa

ZIM02f - Fountain of Hope - Chirogwe Community Development

Report Date: February 18, 2020

Update from Fountain of Hope

This community is located in ward 18 of Chivi district under Chief Chipindu of the Shumba tribe. The community speaks Karanga which is a dialect of the Shona language. The community does not have a high school which is within reach so their children either would go to stay close to where there is a school or would walk on daily basis for 10 to 15km to the nearest high school. Some of the villages of this community are hard to reach because the road network is very poor since the place is very mountainous. Thank God the primary school and a clinic are both within reach of the community.

This area used to receive better rainfall as compared to other areas in region 5 of Zimbabwe but currently due to climate change, the area has not been receiving plenty of rainfall and therefore all the small dams which they had have dried up and this poses a challenge to the people as most of them relied so much on the water from the dams. The only borehole which is in the community supplies the clinic, people and animals at the moment making the demand for water to be very high. The soils in Chirogwe are very fertile and these people can be able to feed the whole district of Chivi if they manage to utilize the land which they have.  

Recent Events

Foundations for Farming

difficult conditions

25 people were trained and empowered to practice Foundations for Farming in this community. These farmers indicated that they needed to try a variety of crops in their fields which include ground nuts, cow peas, maize and sorghum. They have grown all the other crops except cow peas which they are going to grow at the end of January or beginning of February since it is a short season crop. 

The biggest challenge for them just like all other areas in Zimbabwe this season is that they didn’t receive much rainfall. Chirogwe received less than 50mm this season and the community is still waiting for more rain for their crops to grow. 

Thank you so much Bright Hope World for assisting this community to improve food security and feed their own people.  

Livestock Management

fun time

20 families with orphans and vulnerable children were given the opportunity to raise chickens to support their children. It is with much gratitude that we hereby report that this community was able to run a Christmas party for orphans and vulnerable children from the chicken project that they are running. They even extended the invitation to other children whose families have not yet received the chickens. 

Thank you so much Bright Hope World for brightening the lives of orphans and vulnerable children especially during this difficult time in Zimbabwe.  



 very thankful

Fountain of Hope staff members and management would like to hereby register our heartfelt appreciation to Bright Hope World for all the love and generosity that you are rendering to communities right here in Zimbabwe. We are very confident that though we operate through very difficult circumstances, these communities are not going to remain the same. Your support is breaking barriers, making people realize the potential they have, it is building bridges in communities, people who used not to talk to each other are now able to talk and work together, and above all the support is making Christ to be known in these communities. 

We are so persuaded that through the grace of God we are slowly stopping desertification of communities and will eventually make these dry communities ‘GREEN’. We have seen great changes already in Makamure which used to be a completely dry area but now people are driving from far away places to buy green veggies from this community which was once very dry and dusty.

Thank you that through your support orphans and vulnerable children have got a home, family, hope and a future at Peniel Centre. Thank you that through your support some schools are getting qualified teachers because your support improved their living conditions at these schools. Through your support communities like Mtshazo which used to live on food hand-outs are going to work in their fields and producing food on their own through the Foundations for Farming program. 

“May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you PEACE”


Thank you so much

Gideon & Jennifer Chishamba and the team (pictured) 



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