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Partnership Report

Zimbabwe, Africa

ZIM02f - Fountain of Hope - Chirogwe Community Development

Report Date: May 13, 2019

grateful community

Chirogwe Community Progress Report April 2019 

The community of Chirogwe is undoubtedly grateful to Bright Hope World for the projects that have been done in this community. The projects are really going a long way in brightening the future of orphans and vulnerable children since they are the most targeted group in these projects. Please find herein below the brief account of the progress so far. 


Recent Events

Foundations for Farming


The aim of this project is to increase food security in the community through the correct utilization of the God given land. The land of Chirogwe has got a potential of participating in increasing food security in the country hence people of the community are being trained to practice Foundations for Farming. In this season one man from this community was sent to Harare to receive further training on how to effectively utilize the land. 30 people were trained in November and were subsequently empowered with seeds to plant in their fields but unfortunately what they planted did not do very well because of very little rains that most communities received. The good thing is that the principles of farming were taught to the people of this community. They are so excited by this project such that they have been inviting other people to come and learn and everyone is patiently waiting for the time when enough rains would fall onto their land. 

• The greatest challenge this farming season has been lack of rain

• These farming God’s way trainings are opening the door for the word to be preached
• People who come for these trainings are now using the four principles of farming in most of the things that they do at their homes. The four principles of farming are; doing on time, without wastage, at high standard and with joy. Amazingly these principles are being applied even at church in this community.
• The trainings have unified the community just like in all other communities. 


Livestock Production and Management

combating poverty

The greatest aim of this project is to economically empower orphans and vulnerable families to own livestock as a way of fighting out poverty. 20 families were assisted with 10 indigenous chickens called road runners and it is our pleasure to report that these families have supported 20 more families. Altogether 40 families have got chickens now in the village of Chirogwe. These families are going to assist the orphans that live with them to have finances to buy school uniforms etc. with the money that they are going to raise from rearing chickens. (Photo shows a chicken rearing training session)

• The greatest challenge is that Chirogwe is a very remote area and it is very difficult to sell chickens to the market in town. The only solution to this is to create a market within the community which is accessible to all the people of the community 

• A door was opened in the community whereby the government’s department of livestock now works with these farmers in the community
• The project also creates other opportunities whereby the farmers are able to learn other things that have to do with raising up children, and preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and other transferable diseases. 




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