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Partnership Report

Zimbabwe, Africa

ZIM02c - Fountain of Hope - Makamure Community Development

Report Date: July 22, 2016

Update from Gideon & Jennifer



Recent Events

Borehole and Garden

what a differenceEach year Makamure community receives little to no rainfall which has slowly resulted in the area becoming dusty, golden-brown scrubland. This land has not produced much over the years due to the little rainfall that the area has been receiving. The dam in Madzivire community which has silted made the situation very gloomy since the people could not run gardens to sustain their families. Zimbabwe's economic woes brought this community really to its knees as there is no employment and there is no money for those who are employed. This scenario had left the people of this area literally without hope. 

At the beginning of this year the people of this area, who really are very motivated to see development taking place in their community, and Fountain of Hope (FHF) met to discuss the way forward as far as harvesting water for domestic and productive purposes is concerned. We agreed to drill a borehole for their garden instead of scooping the silted dam and thank God for Bright Hope World who partnered with this community in making their vision to be a reality. The borehole was drilled and installed with a solar pump and the land that was dry and dusty has completely been turned into a green garden.

community helped

This borehole is one of the best boreholes in the whole province of Masvingo. It has plenty of water and the solar pump which was installed there can fill a 5,000 litre tank in one and half hours. 

This community now works very hard in their new garden and green veggies and tomatoes are being produced from this garden. The community leaders have got a vision of seeing such gardens in each and every village of the area. The current garden is in Madzivire village of Makamure community of ward 19 of Chivi district. 

Thank you very much Bright Hope World for offering a glimmer of possibility, empowerment and hope to such a community which didn’t know what to do. They now see a possibility of establishing gardens practicing Foundations for Farming principles in each and every village of the community, one garden at a time.

makes a huge difference

 run pump





great cropWe are proud to let you know that this is one of the best boreholes in the whole province of Masvingo in terms water capacity. The borehole and the garden are really going a long way in providing fresh vegetables to the people of this community. The people of this community will sell the surplus to get money to buy food for their families as well as to raise up school fees for their children. It is also now working as our resource centre for Foundations for Farming training. It is no longer just the seven villages who are coming for the training, there is great multiplication and some people come from faraway places for the training. We have one of the community leaders from an area that is 20km away who always comes for the training and this really excites us to see people believing in this way of farming. 

green not brownWe are commissioning this garden to the local leadership this coming week and everyone is really excited at this garden which is the beginning of turning Makamure villages green. Thank you Bright Hope World for partnering with us in turning a dry ground into a green field for God's glory.  


With much gratitude 

Gideon & Jennifer 


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