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Partnership Report

Zimbabwe, Africa

ZIM02c - Fountain of Hope - Makamure Community Development

Report Date: December 12, 2015

Update from Gideon & Jennifer


Warm greetings from the hot weather of Zimbabwe.

Recent Events

Foundations for Farming Field Day

keen to learn

We are glad to let you know that our first field day in the community of Makamure went very well. It is really a blessing to work with this community that has a passion to bring transformation into their community and to make God glorified. All our farmers have already prepared their fields according to farming God's way principles and are waiting for the coming of the first rains. We decided to run this field day to encourage and motivate our farmers as well as selling the concept of Foundations for Farming to other people in the community. 

All the community leaders, which includes the village headmen, chief, and councillor as well as the representative of the member of parliament, attended this function and were given the opportunity celebrating

to see for themselves what the people of the community had done in their fields. We took these leaders and other people of the community to three fields of three different people who had done exceptionally well according to the judges.  

One encouraging thing about our farmers is that they have really believed in this way of farming and have been encouraging one another even in our absence. They are not only encouraging one another but have been recruiting their own people whom they are training. One old lady recruited seven people whom she brought to the field day celebrations, another Pastor recruited nine more people and many people from the community are now practicing this kind of farming. 

good example

The best farmer who did very well is one of the Pastors in the community and this really touched the people seeing one of the Pastors scoop the prize.

We are very much encouraged by these people, by the way they want to get out of poverty and hunger through farming God's way and nutritional gardens. Our biggest challenge now is the rain. The farmers have done very well in their fields and thank you so much Bright Hope World for partnering with us in providing such new techniques to these people, now rain is desperately needed. The community and the entire nation of Zimbabwe is completely dry, dams and rivers have dried up. Please join hands with us in praying for rain. We wouldn’t want to see our farmers losing out again this season. 

ready for rain

Dam Repair

We are also glad to report to you that we have written to the district council with the assistance of the councillor and the chief, seeking to hire the dam scooper at a cheaper price. We are waiting for their response which they will give to us probably before the end of the year. We will let you know once they have responded to our application. 


We are so very grateful to you for all the support you are rendering to the communities that we work with.


Gideon & Jennifer 


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