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Zimbabwe, Africa

ZIM02d - Fountain of Hope - Mandiva Community Development

Key Partnership Information:

  • Partnership Ref.: ZIM02d

  • Partner: Gideon & Jennifer Chisamba

  • Commenced: 25/10/2016

  • Funding Status: Completed - Self-sustaining

  • Partnership Type: Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education

  • Funding Size: $0 - $2,999

  • Annual Budget: US$ 0

  • Connected To: ZIM02 , ZIM02a , ZIM02b , ZIM02c , ZIM02e , ZIM02f , ZIM02g , ZIM02h

Current Partnership Impact:

  • 150 families are being assisted

  • 40 families are accessing microloans

  • 30 people are in vocational or agricultural training

Other Partnership Information:

Partnership Overview

incredibly dryMandiva is located in Masvingo province of Zimbabwe, one of worst regions for low rainfall. The rainfall they receive every farming season is well below normal and the soil is very poor for farming which leaves the people of this region in dire need of food almost every year.  The people here are battling the odds; arid climatic conditions, constant drought, and limited resources. In addition, HIV/AIDS has also had a huge negative impact in this community with many children being left orphans and either being cared for by very old grandparents or being homeless. 

In late 2015 Fountain of Hope Foundation starting assisting the nearby community of Makamure where they have seen incredible results from Foundations for Farming training. They are now looking to expand this training to Mandiva village and in addition to Foundations for Farming training will install a borehole and pump, run a free-range chicken project, set up a feeding/transformation centre where 25 children will receive food on a daily basis, and also provide education assistance for 25 children.  

History of Partnership

In 2001 Rob Purdue, BHW Executive Chairman, travelled to visit Gideon and Jennifer in Mthombothemba as his nephew was living there. Rob was impressed by them and BHW's Field Director continued to dialogue with them. In December 2012 funds were sent to assist with training some of their people in Foundations for Farming and then late in 2013 BHW commenced partnering with Gideon and Jennifer at a greater level, providing financial support for the Peniel children's home (ZIM02), Mthombothemba community development (ZIM02a), and personal support for Gideon and Jennifer (ZIM02b). Following on from this, in 2015 a community development project in Makamure was commenced (ZIM02c) and then in 2016 a proposal was presented to move into Mandiva village.  


There are many beneficiaries here, in fact the whole community benefits from gardens being grown, children being fed, and families becoming self-sustaining and sending their children to school. This type of community development lifts the morale of everyone in the community.  

What We Like About The Partnership

Gideon and Jennifer/Fountain of Hope understand that transformation requires a broad based holistic approach to solving the issues and the starting point has been building relationships with the community. We are encouraged by the commitment of Gideon and Jennifer to Mthombothemba, Makamure and now this community. Their love for these people and their desire to transform these communities is inspiring. 


Key People

Gideon & Jennifer 

Great coupleGideon was raised up in a very remote and poor community. His father died while he was still very young which eventually meant he had to stop going to school while doing Form 2. He hated God then for making his family poor, taking his father away when he was still young, and allowing the school authorities to chase him away from school when he really wanted to proceed with education. However, his friends from school helped him to study from home by bringing their books to him and eventually, although he did not go to school formally like other children, he was able to write his ‘O’ Level exams and pass all the six subjects. 

He wanted to be a teacher but the colleges also wouldn’t take him because he had no money. So he again stayed home still with his hatred for God whom he blamed for causing all this. Gideon and his brothers went through very difficult times and one night, Gideon says, “He met me and told me that He died for me out of His Love for me.” That night he cried the whole night for it was the first time that he sensed that there was someone greater who loved him. The following day he went to see a Christian friend who helped him to accept Jesus as his personal Saviour. “That was the same day I realized that God had called me to communicate His love to orphans, vulnerable children and the poor.” 

He then later joined YWAM where he met Jennifer whom he later married and adopted her five children. They live in a rented house outside Bulawayo.  


Vision And Annual Strategy

free range

The vision of Fountain of Hope is to communicate the love of Christ to orphans, vulnerable children, downtrodden communities, widows and families affected by HIV/AIDS and poverty by meeting their physical, emotional, social and material needs. They do all that they do to point the poor to Christ, the true Fountain of Hope which never dries up.

In Mandiva village this is done by:
• Running a daily feeding programme for orphans and vulnerable children and providing education assistance for these children
• Providing Foundations for Farming training and farming inputs to families in this community and also setting up a free-range chicken project to generate income. 
• Installing a solar powered borehole to provide water both for domestic purposes and also to provide irrigation for the gardens.  



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Phone +64 3341-0933
Website by: TNC

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