Zambia, Africa

ZAM30 - Ukusenaminwa Child Foundation: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: May 24, 2018

seeking to change mindsets

Great News from Zambia 

We got an email yesterday from our partners at the Ukusenaminwa School in Zambia. They are having quite an impact! 

"We have had the busiest time of our organisation with so many great things happening. Last month the government invited me to speak at an event organised to promote girl child education and ending child marriages. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to share our vision of reaching out to communities and sharing the basic foundational needs of raising a child into a healthy, successful and responsible adult. And also our aim of helping parents, guardians, teachers, community and church leaders understand just how important it is to lay a strong solid biblical foundation for children to be raised in an healthy environment, doing away with mindsets and traditions that only indanger the lives of children and increase the cycle of poverty.

changed life

The greatest part of our sharing was how most of the people connected with us with the approach of sharing ideas on what can be done to change things, rather than us giving all the answers. It was so nice to just lay it all out there and see contributions from different people from different cultural backgrounds and traditions. However, the most amazing part of taking part in such an event is the fact that this branch of the government actually invited us to speak on such an important issue and just the idea of them knowing about our workshops and community transformation programmes. This really brought something to our attention. You through Bright Hope have given a louder voice in changing the livelihood of children and youth in Zambia.

We are deeply indebted to your continued support and prayers and for trusting us with this huge task that has such a huge impact on everyone involved especially our target groups. 

Through these discussions we recently rescued a deaf boy who has been living on the streets for four years. We have undertaken one month of healing and integration and so far he is doing so well and we are putting him into school next week. Please pray for continued progress, physically and spiritually for him. He is an amazing example of how just a bit of love can change and give hope to a hopeless child.

tough lifeOn a sad note, we recently received a report of how a street child in Lusaka was run over by a train and lost his arm as he was high on drugs, passed out and didn't hear the train coming. Please pray for him to continue recovering. He is at U.T.H in Lusaka. This gives us even more reasons to raise awareness about children growing up without basic foundational needs, good morals and having a family setup.

We are always thankful for your continued partnership and support for each and every child who now has a home, a family, an education and is learning biblical principles all because you have chosen to care. We love you all and thank you from everyone here!

Love Sarah
On behalf of Ukusenaminwa Child Foundation