Partnership Ref.: |
ZAM26b |
Commenced: |
25/02/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Annual Budget: |
US$ 0 |
Connected To: |
Video: |
No video available yet |
Funding Contact: |
No funding required |
Population: 16.59 million
Life Expectancy: 60.79 yearsGDP: US$1248 per capita
Unemployed: 16.0%
81.5% earn less than US$2/day
For a number of years BHW has been supporting a partnership in Chisasa, ZAM15. This involves the support of vulnerable children and getting them into school. The leadership want to develop self-sustaining programmes to start generating their own funds and have a number of plans to do that.
One of the great problems places like Chisasa faces is that there is little infrastructure provided to encourage development. This is especially true in the agriculture sector. They are able and willing to produce, but they cannot then easily process, distribute or sell their produce.
For a long time the team at Chisasa have been trying to develop self-sustaining projects. A key component of development for the team has been the installation of a grinding mill. This will be an encouragement for the other local people to grow grains like maize and rice as well as cassava.
The leader, Joseph Kampelembi, was born in 1953. When he was young he stayed with his aunt and went to the D R Congo (Zaire). He had an extremely violent upbringing, there was always fighting at home. For seven years at home he suffered abuse, neglect, lack of food and clothes. No one was taking care of him. He remembers being chased out into the street at times.
Then he moved to Zambia, where he met a woman. They fell in love. He got married when he was poor. “I do not know why she married me, but she loved me.” They were married in 1970. They had their first born in 1971 but their first four children died. By that time they were in ministry.
The church they were leading started caring for children and then the ministry started spreading to other areas. They started visiting children and one day they met Andy and Eira Patching who were keen to work with them and see what could be accomplished. From then on Dr and Mrs Patching became involved. They would give Christmas gifts and clothes. Because of the work they needed a school for children who wanted to learn but there was little support. They talked to Dr Patching, who gave some support and things started changing for the children.
There is a team of 11 people from various local churches on the committee, including the chairman and his wife, all who are part of the leadership team. We met the team and heard a little about each of them. The key people are Chairman: Joseph Kampelambi; Vice chairman: Jonathan Ikonu; Secretary: Elizabeth Makeche; Treasurer: Mary Wuyala.
The funds generated will be used to support the children in schools and preschool.
Currently the business is proving to be self sustaining and no further funds are required.