India, Asia

IND22 - Key Person Development: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: January 23, 2025

generating incomeUpdate from Thadeus

Greetings in Christ's our Saviour's precious name. We're all keeping well by the grace of God and all of your prayers.


Recent Events

good producersPig Farming (IND22)

We are very happy and excited to report to you the progress of the projects funded by you. Especially I wanted to mention about our pig projects done by our brother Dipak with three pigs from which we got some piglets and helped one more brother and a sister too. But when the pigs grew and one gave birth to seven, it was not an easy job for us to handle them and feed them. We had to spend a lot on their feed, about 4-5000INR (US$50) every month. 

doing wellGoat Farming (IND22)

Our sisters are very grateful for the goats they have received, the numbers of which have doubled in this 1 1/2-year period of time. Even though two died, two fell into accidents and one has been sold, still there are eight in number including the projects in both places.  

Tailoring Centre (IND22a)

We have begun our second batch of the tailoring project with 10 ladies at present and a few more have contacted us keen to take part. We expect at least 10 more candidates for the encouragement of the teachers, students as well as us. 

Computer training Centre (IND22a)

We have also set the stage for the computer project with 14 students starting from first week of February.

running wellTutoring Programs (IND22a)

Our tuition also is running fine. The equipment funded by you is really helping my wife Jyotshna Dhan to teach more effectively than earlier. With the funds we bought a laptop, a white board and picture charts. We need some more funding in this second year to proceed ahead in order to fulfil the needs of the deprived children and function our tutoring programs well. 



making a differenceWe look forward to more years of cooperation if our Lord tarries His coming and do wonders together for Him and His glory. May the loving Lord be gracious upon you and us. We are praying for you every day. 


Projects Coordinator
Thadeus Dungdung