Pakistan, Asia

PAK01 - Sewing Centres: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: October 10, 2024

Sewing Programme Update 


new skillsComments from teacher: "We were able to finish the classes and course in time that is a blessing. Unfortunately, we had an incident in our village, so everyone had to move to other places out of fear. We were scared to come back, and it was hard to convince students to join classes but I’m thankful that we finished our work."

Recent Events


We started the sewing courses in the month of March 2024 and finished in August 2024. The classes were held from Monday to Friday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.

15 women graduated with machines and certificates of completion. Two girls are in prison and could not finish the course. We hope once they are out, we will graduate them.

Out of the 15 girls, 7 girls work in the fields, 7 work in brick kilns, and 1 girl works in houses. 12 women belong to Christian households and three students were Muslims. 

Personal Stories

new skillsRafica: Rafica is 42 years old, married and has five children. Her husband and she both work in brick kilns along with their 13-year-old son. She wants to send her son to school with the new skills she learned at our sewing center.

Tabasam: Tabasam is 22 years old, unmarried and lives with her father and three sisters who are also unmarried. She wants to make clothes with her sisters and sell them, so she does not have to work in a brick kiln.

Horab: Horab is 29 years old, married and has four children. She works in the brick kilns and when the season for crops is near, she also works in the fields. She desires to send her children to school otherwise they will be forced to work in brick kilns. She plans to use her skills to pay off the debt her family owes to brick kiln owners by selling cushions in the city.

Comments from Students:
Afsa: “I enjoyed the classes and learned a lot. I am planning to open a home shop with my mother.”

Marium: “I didn’t know how to put thread into needle but now I can sew my own clothes.”

Kashaf: “My journey with the course was hard because I have to work in the brick kiln, then do house chores and learn during classes. I had to sacrifice my sleep for it, but it was worth it.” 

Partnership's Influence within the Community

Our goal was to help people in Gojra village by making the women competent so they can earn an income and pay off their debt to brick kiln owners thereby freeing themselves and their families. When we visited them and saw their improvement it was encouraging for us, and I know the majority of them can earn now. We helped 15 women and gave them an opportunity to improve their lives - I would call it a success! 

Plans for the Future

Christian students from the previous batch and current batch meet for a prayer meeting every Friday. We plan to have bible study sessions with them and also have seminars with them which will help them improve their businesses.

We have now run three sewing courses with women in Gojra. However, I have met young men who also want a similar course for them. Our future plan for Gojra village will include young men and provide skills for them which can include sewing and hairdressing courses.



Chhapianwali (village 182 GB)

new skillsComments from teacher: “I am happy that the course went well, and it was according to how I planned. Students are good and I am pleased with them. Some girls may think I was strict, but I had to be for their benefit. I am grateful to God for everything.”

Recent Events


We started the sewing center in the month of March 2024 and finished in August 2024. The classes were held from Monday to Friday from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Ten women graduated with machines and certificates of completion.

Out of the 10 girls, four girls work in the fields, two are housewives and four are brick layers. Eight women belong to Christian households and two students were Muslims. 

Personal Stories

new skillsShazia: She is 22 years old, married and has 1 child. She started working in a brick kiln after her marriage because her husband was injured, and he needs time and therapy to recover. She wants to help her husband get better, but half of their income goes to the debt they owe. She wants to make and sell wall hangings, so she is able to support her family.

Neela: She is 31 years old, married and has six daughters. She is a housewife, but her husband is the sole provider for their big family and it is not enough. She wants to use her skills so she can help her family by working from home and stitching clothes.

Nida: She is 24 years old, unmarried and lives with her mother and two brothers. She is soon to be married, and her goal is to have a good wedding. She wants to help her mother and brothers financially for her wedding.

Comments from Students:
Mariya: “I enjoyed the classes and learned a lot. I am planning to be design clothes and put them in a shop near the city.”

Sehar: “The course was great - it gives us the opportunity to have respectful work. I am glad I become part of classes.”

Neha: “I am grateful to our teacher and course because she made it easy to learn. My goal is to help my family with what I learn here. Thank you for providing classes and machines for us.” 

Partnership's Influence within the Community

new skillsThis was our second sewing center in this village. Some girls from the previous batch are already working for themselves which encouraged the new girls to participate in our course. However, the majority of girls want to have their own business and work for themselves which sounds good, but we want them to learn from others first and work towards a common goal. In terms of providing them skills I am sure we have been successful. 

Plans for the Future

We will continue to visit them and have seminars with them so they can improve their skills further and we want to help individually but for me to that they need to take the first step of start and perusing what they want to do with their new skill set.

We will give some time to students of Chhapianwali to work on their skills. In future if they need or have demand for sewing courses, we will provide for them God willing. In the meantime we will use our resources to help Christian communities near the area.



new skillsComments from the teacher: “I am happy everything went well. I focused more on teaching artwork, there is demand for hand crafted decoration items in Abbottabad.”

Recent Events


We started the sewing course in the month of March 2024 and finished in August 2024. Classes were held from Monday to Friday from 10:00am to 12:00pm.

17 women graduated with machines and certificates of completion. Out of 17 girls, 11 are housewives, two students and four work as maids. 12 women belong to Christian households and 5 students were Muslims. 

Personal Stories

Shehla: She is 27 years old, married and has two children. She is a housemaid and works in four houses. She wanted to learn sewing skills so she can earn from home and spend time with her family. She has already sold a few clothes through a shopkeeper near her house. She wants to work on art as well.

new skillsMotiya: She is 26 years old, married and has three daughters. She comes from a nearby village to learn and take classes. She wants to help her husband to provide for the family. She has worked in different houses, but her husband doesn’t let her work however, he agreed that she can earn from home. She is now working from home and makes hand crafted decoration pieces.

Roma: She is 24 years old, unmarried and lives with her mother. She works in a school as an assistant to the teacher for early classes. Her mother is sick, and she wants to support her and earn from sewing not just as a part time business but she wants to work full time for herself.

Comments from Students:
Anila: “I am a student. I really like to learn, and this was really helpful because I learned practical skills and started to make my own clothes.”

Nazia: “I’m grateful to everyone who helped us and provided for us a wonderful teacher and sewing machines.”

Shumaila: “I’m happy I could learn in such a good environment. It felt like I’m back to school.” 

Partnership's Influence within the Community

The students of the sewing course are very talented. They are focused on working and making products. Some already are working with shop keepers around their area. This was our second sewing course, and it was successfully completed. 

Plans for the Future

Our next step is to help graduated girls with their business ideas. We are planning to help them in research and establishing business ideas and target right customers for their products. As for new students, there are some girls who want us to start another session but right now there aren’t enough students to work with them.

We have established a prayer meeting at the house of the Christian teacher where the majority of women around the area participate. We have encouraged the Christian students to be part of that prayer meeting so we can follow up with them regarding their business ideas and help them if we can. 


Future Courses 

learning new skillsTwo more courses were started in September. The new villages are:

192 JB
Key person: Kashif Masih
Number of students: 20 (All students are Christians)
Teacher Name: Khalida Masih

247 JB
Key person: Irshad Masih
Number of students: 21 (17 are Christians and 4 are Muslims)
Teacher Name: Rimsha Masih

These ladies will graduate with machines and certificates in February 2025.   


All the students and their parents are very grateful to all of you and your team.

God bless you all
Azar Gill