Kenya, Africa

KEN10 - The African Powerhouse - Vulnerable Women and Children : Partnership Reports

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Report Date: May 30, 2024

Final Report from BHW Kenya Partnership Facilitators

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generating incomeUpdate

As Robert is no longer living near the project and his mother is elderly, I have been in touch with his sister who trains people in soap making. She has reported that the project is going well and they are even looking to extend it out to other communities.

She has said the men’s project is also doing very well and she has sent through several photos and videos.

Due to several factors however, we believe that it is now time to finish up our financial support of the Africa Powerhouse partnership. 



Robert is no longer living near his project; he and his family now reside in Zanzibar. His mother and sister take care of the soap making project but from our understanding are not themselves Christians. The communication with Robert has been challenging and I believe this is because he is not aware of the day-to-day operations of the project so cannot keep us up-to-date with reports.

Although Robert has a very caring heart, he has been transient over the course of the partnership which has been challenging for consistency. He has said that he has recently purchased land in Mkata where he would like to build another school and orphanage.



We believe this project has the capacity to be self-sustaining now that it is established. With wise use of the earnings, they can continue to reinvest in supplies to continue making the products. Stopping our funding will hopefully encourage them to establish this model to work well for the long term.