Mozambique, Africa

MOZ04 - Tarikhi ya Haakhi (The True Way): Partnership Reports

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Report Date: May 27, 2024

Update from BHW Mozambique Partnership Facilitator

Key person: Talsamo 

The most recent visit to this partnership was in July 2023 and the next one is planned for July 2025. 

Recent Events


sharing togetherSince the previous visit of the BHW team in July 2023, the founders of the work in Angoche, Joe and Jenny and one of their associates, visited Angoche. Since then, we have been in dialogue with them about their visit and about the future as well. 

Just prior to our visit in July there had been a shake-up of leadership as reported by the BHW team in the July 2023 report. 

In this report there will be several quotes from the ongoing conversation we are having. This is more a report on the strategies being developed to see the work become more sustainable at the local level. 

It was four years since Joe had visited and he writes, “Much has changed. There are many new people we have not yet met and wonderful new leaders! So, it was a vital time to input into them and confirm some of the DNA (vision and values) of our movement. But our time mustn’t be just a time of sharing ideas. We need the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, filling and changing lives. Raising up a new generation of leaders!” 

While they were there, they balanced their time between the core leaders, 20-30 men and women, and a wider group of about 400-500 leaders from communities of faith scattered through villages and islands near and far.  

The Challenge

special timeThere are more than 20 new zones, most with a network of several or many churches, so even getting all the leaders together was impossible. There were too many to host in Angoche at one time so the leaders in each zone have to select the ones who can participate in the conference they ran for representatives. 

There is a need to tweak the structure of the organization to grow further into the future. This will be a challenge for the young team of leaders, and they are not experienced. Joe writes, “20 zones is pushing our capacity logistically. Yet there are so many more people to reach! We need wisdom!”

They didn’t get to grips with tweaking the structure as much as they would have liked to, but they are in constant conversation with Talsamo and his team. They are confident they will get there!  

Comments from their time there

special timeThe work upcountry to the north of them where mainly Makhua people are coming to faith is strong. These people have a very traditional and syncretistic catholic faith so in some ways are pre-evangelised.  

The Koti work in Inguri and the islands is quite weak. This is the area that requires a lot more thought and prayer regarding how to go about it. 

The people at the conference especially loved the sessions on marriage and they pray for stronger marriages right across their communities.

While they were there around 250 people were baptised. They came from several churches around the area. Needless to say, it was a rather boisterous and joyous occasion. 

Foundations for Farming

Joe writes, “We need help. Our people bring their tithes and offerings but there are only a handful of people among many thousands who have a fixed cash income. We seem to reach the poorest of the poor and a lot of single young people in town without incomes. You helped us with “Farming God’s Way.” Unfortunately, the guys at the time wasted a lot of that opportunity to upskill. A very few have, but if you were merciful and willing to give us another go at that, I would love to. I think we have a much better core team in Angoche now that would take up the chance to learn. We have much better communication with the team on the ground than we have had before and would be able to lay a foundation for a visit of your guys.”

After further dialogue with them it has become obvious that they recognise the need for change and development, but they do not have the capacity. Joe writes, “Yes, we do talk about it a lot but without a lot of clarity! This year we are focusing a lot of attention on the land, on our farms, on using every piece of land we can find to plant something, to teach our kids to plant, to love the soil etc! Talsamo and I are going to preach into it and get a lot of passion and buy-in. With that happening, it will be great to have someone come and give them some input, if possible.” 


Ideas/Plans for the Future

young leadersThey have put several things on the table for discussion. The ball is in the court of BHW to work this through with them as they have little experience in the area of development. They have identified some things below, but it will be dependent on them having the right people in place. Unfortunately, the BHW team cannot get there before mid-2025. 

If people have some land, there is potential to be able to help reasonably easily. The biggest issue they face is all the young people in the towns. Joe writes, “We have no good answers to the long-term living of the many (and we’re talking hundreds of them) Angoche young people, who are the core and the cutting edge of our team. They are not that interested in farming; they are interested in small business, but we have not been able to give them enough mentoring to make that happen. We have given them seed money for proposals, but nothing has come of it. Some training and mentoring in small business would be wonderful."

Keeping in mind that there is a need for training and mentoring, the following ideas are on the table for discussion:
1) The breeding of goats – there will be places where this is a good option. BHW has supported projects like this in several locations.

2) To get farming going at a better level. BHW is in the early stages of doing another training in Angoche in mid-2025. This will be done in the context of a long-term plan. We hope to have a Foundations for Farming trainer with us on the trip in July 2025. 

3) To develop the madrassa (tutoring of children), so the kids get a better education. The madrassa eats up money and gives some of the young people something to do but it is not a long-term solution for their financial viability. BHW supports the madrassa programme that has around 2,000 children in it per day (MOZ04a). This could mean the establishment of vocational training. 

young leadersThe town of Angoche presents a real challenge. Joe writes, “I think there is more money flowing into Angoche than before, probably because there are more government jobs in teaching and the hospital jobs. That money goes around, and people seem to have more cash. I don’t see evidence of more industry of any sort. Our people in the townships bordering Angoche, like Inguri where Talsamo lives, are in about the same living conditions as ever and in the rural areas too. But the Indian shopkeepers are making a killing. We probably need to ask some good questions of Talsamo and the team about what the invisible side jobs people are doing in the local economy to cover their needs. When I asked not to so long ago, they didn’t have any answers.”

4) Small business – one woman has a sewing business which is going quite well. Joe says,”There is opportunity for adding value to things and selling them, every lady can make bread/cakes and sell them. We could build a small kiln and bake bread to sell, we have an experienced baker (Teofilo) who used to work at the bread shop in town. The bread shop has closed down so there is a huge market for bread. He can bake the bread but I don’t think he has any business sense but there is one guy (Marenga) who has business sense and who could help several of them.”

5) Computer training – They have paid for young people to go to classes to learn basic computer skills, but they could start their own classes. There is one guy (Pai Jorge) who is able to control the finance for things like that and make sure it all works.

Summary: The town people need to add value to their personal incomes, that is the challenge. The rural people are more or less OK. Very poor but they don’t need much support apart from helping with the costs of the training each week, transport etc. This is nothing compared with the costs of supporting the town people. 


Prayer and Praise Points

1) That a strategic development plan will come together over the next year. 

2) Praise that many people are still coming to faith and that the work continues to grow. 

3) That the leaders are facing the challenge of development and want to see this happen. 

4) That there will be young people emerge with the capacity to lead the development of the people.