Syria, Middle East

SYR01 - Firm Foundation: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: June 20, 2023

Report from Together, for the Family June 2023

given hopeThe Firm Foundation project has proven to be a remarkable initiative since its inception in March, following the devastating earthquake in the region. This program has effectively addressed the pressing need for education among individuals whose schools were either destroyed or repurposed as shelters for the homeless. Extensive efforts have been dedicated to implementing a wide range of activities, resulting in not only the continuation of academic pursuits for these students but also an enhanced educational experience. This report will provide an overview of the implemented activities, statistics, and testimonials, showcasing the program's significant accomplishments.

Recent Events

Program Implementation

dedicated teamThe program provides education six days a week in three different areas that were significantly impacted by the earthquake. A dedicated team of three teachers work full-time with the students, delivering all necessary school subjects in accordance with the government's official curriculum, as previously mentioned.

Moreover, the program places a strong emphasis on the students' well-being, ensuring their comfort and aiding in their trauma healing. Engaging activities and enjoyable materials are provided to the students, prioritizing their emotional recovery.

The program ensures equal care and support for all 61 students, working diligently to help them successfully complete their academic year. It is disheartening to note that 78% of our students have lost their homes due to the devastating earthquake, while the remaining students have experienced the loss of their schools, hindering their educational progress. The stories of these families are heart-wrenching, as they strive to secure a mere single meal per day.

The program is resolute in its commitment to addressing these challenges and meeting the needs of the affected students. By providing a nurturing educational environment, holistic support, and vital resources, the program aims to restore a sense of stability and hope for these resilient individuals and their families.


Personal Stories

glimmer of hopeMy name is Jawad, and as I recall the early days of attending the school, I can't help but feel the fear and sorrow of what happened. When I first stepped foot into the classroom, fear consumed me. I longed to be near my father, seeking solace and security in his presence.

Everything changed on that fateful day when the earthquake struck. The devastating reality dawned upon us, stealing away the lives of everyone in my family except for my father and me. That night, I lost not only my home but also the pillars of love and support that held our lives together.

But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged through the compassionate embrace of the school community. They reached out to me, gently guiding me towards acceptance and understanding. Though I still yearned for my mother's presence, clinging to the faint hope that she would be waiting for me like the other children's parents, the teachers at the school became my guiding light.

Their love knew no bounds as they enveloped me with warmth and care, treating me as their own.

They saw beyond the tragedy that had befallen me, loving me unconditionally for who I was. Their dedication and unwavering support allowed me to find solace and a sense of normalcy in their presence. Slowly but surely, they helped me navigate my grief and start to accept the harsh reality of my new life.

The teachers, with their patience and understanding, gently encouraged me to embrace life once more. They instilled in me the belief that although my mother and brother were physically gone, their love and memories would forever reside within my heart. Through their guidance and the unwavering support of my classmates, I began to shed the cloak of sorrow and rediscover the joys of childhood.

Today, I walk into the educational center with a renewed sense of purpose. Surrounded by friends who have become my extended family, I have found solace in their presence. I am eternally grateful to the school and its extraordinary educators, who have touched my life in ways words cannot express.”


Challenges and Lessons Learned

bringing hopeChallenges

Emotional Trauma: Addressing the emotional trauma experienced by the students required specialized support and resources. Overcoming the psychological impact of the earthquake on their academic performance and well-being posed a considerable challenge.

Socioeconomic Disparities: The program faced the challenge of addressing socioeconomic disparities among the students. The significant number of students who had lost their homes and struggled to meet their basic needs created additional obstacles to their educational progress.

Access to Resources: Ensuring consistent access to necessary educational materials, including textbooks, stationery, and art supplies, proved challenging due to limited resources and disrupted supply chains in the earthquake-affected areas. As well as food and snacks, all of these equipment and material are in somewhat not available.

Limited number of places: The demand and the need are too high in parallel of the limited places that we have. Many parents have begged to put their kids in a classroom, so their academic year won’t go in vain. We are considering opening one or two schools in another area to reach more kids and more families.

Lessons Learned

something to play withImportance of Emotional Support: The program highlighted the critical role of addressing the emotional well-being of students in times of crisis. Providing counseling services, creative outlets, and a supportive environment proved essential for their overall development and resilience.

Flexibility and Adaptability: The program learned the importance of flexibility and adaptability in responding to unforeseen circumstances. Adapting the curriculum, delivery methods, and activities to meet the unique needs and challenges of the earthquake-affected students contributed to the program's success.

Holistic Approach: The program recognized the value of a holistic approach that addresses not only the educational needs of students but also their emotional, social, and material well-being. By providing comprehensive support, the program maximized its impact on the students' overall development.



keen to learnIn conclusion, the Firm Foundation project has successfully addressed the educational and well-being needs of underprivileged students affected by the devastating earthquake. Through the unwavering dedication of a committed team, the program has provided education, emotional support, and essential resources to empower these students and help them overcome the challenges they faced. By offering a comprehensive curriculum, delivered by dedicated teachers, the program ensured academic continuity and enabled students to continue their education despite the destruction of schools. The emphasis on emotional and spiritual well-being, through counseling services and art therapy sessions, created a safe and supportive environment where students could heal and thrive.

The program's commitment to meeting the basic needs of the students, including daily meals, clothing, and necessary items, improved their overall living conditions and alleviated the burden they carried. Additionally, the support provided to the students' families fostered a sense of community and social support, further strengthening the impact of the program. The Firm Foundation project has not only provided immediate relief and support but also imparted valuable lessons. It has highlighted the importance of addressing emotional well-being, fostering resilience, and adapting to unforeseen circumstances. As we reflect on the outcomes achieved, we are filled with gratitude for the generosity and support received from the school and the wider community. The project has given these students the opportunity to dream of a brighter future and equipped them with the tools to pursue their goals.

Moving forward, it is our hope that the Firm Foundation project will continue to make a lasting impact, inspiring positive change and transforming the lives of underprivileged students in the country. The journey towards empowerment and education is ongoing, and we remain committed to supporting these students as they strive for a better tomorrow.