Kenya, Africa

KEN06a - Moriah School of Discipleship: Partnership Reports

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REPORT DATED: MAY 13, 2016 >

Report Date: August 13, 2024

Report from Moriah on Equip! Program - A Discipleship Program for Deeper Growth

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What an honour to see the end of the Equip! program for 2024, and what a privilege it has been to participate in the birthing of a vision and see it take root.

The Equip! program came to an end on the 5th July 2024 with the commissioning of the delegates, on the same day as that of the Moriah students. It was refreshing to witness the delegates grow and mature, and to see their perspectives change and a clarity on the issues of life develop. A change in their worldview was increasingly apparent, and they gradually came to realise that daily living was all one in God and not dichotomised into Christian and non-Christian aspects.

The Equip! program met the objective of developing workers. Some of the delegates were instrumental in running the Moriah program this year, and others quickly took up key leadership positions in a number of the partner organisations to which they were sent.

As Directors we also did grow indeed, especially in being conscious of the follow up aspect of the program and in becoming a source of encouragement and wisdom to the delegates. We had to make sacrifices for the sake of those with whom we walked - in a sense paying the cost of discipleship as it were. We have learned to make decisions, to counsel and to manage people and things, among others. We too have been equipped just as much as the delegates, albeit in a very different way. 

Notable Observations

Firstly, it has become apparent that we will need help especially in running the Equip! program. Herma may do with an assistant. We want to trust God for the right fit for such a role.

Secondly, the cost of living sky-rocketed and we need to think strategically about how to manage particularly the food expense, but other related expenses as well. We are glad that God has been so faithful in providing for us and the delegates in every way.

Some thoughts:

• We have some ideas to help us mitigate the ballooning food cost: firstly, we thought of, and indeed largely implemented, purchasing food items in bulk and buying certain foodstuffs when they were in season and more affordable.

• For bulk purchase to be more effective though, we will need to procure a refrigerator and a sizeable freezer to preserve the food.

• We have also had very fruitful talks with the Moriah leadership, and they have agreed to give us access to the farm behind Bishop’s house and the green house that was in Maseno. I believe this will help give us more access to fresh vegetables. 


So far, we have worked very well with the mother organization, MCO, and we have received much needed support. Bishop Daniel Ogutu, his wife Rev. Magdalene Ogutu and Rodgers have been of such great support in helping us coordinate the program well. They have been available to us when we have needed words of wisdom, advice and encouragement. They have also offered gentle rebuke when it was needed. Their support has been indispensable.


During the Equip! program last year we had a session where we presented to the delegates what the true gospel is, with a practical segment where they communicated the gospel to others. They got so passionate that they went from house to house in the neighbourhood of Moriah presenting the gospel.

In one of the homesteads, they found a young man in secondary school with whom they shared, and they determined to do follow up with him once a week for the duration of the Equip! program. At the end of the program, they invited him to the Moriah Discipleship program, and he came. He comes from a very humble background and emerged as one of the model students. These are real testimonies of real people with real and evident impact even in the community around Moriah.

We continue to thank God for His faithfulness and for providing through you, Bright Hope World. Your commitment to seeing the making of disciples here in Kenya and right at the heart of the village is very commendable and we appreciate your dedication, partnership and support in seeing this vision come into fruition.


Plans for the Future

We are committed to go on and pass down the vision for discipleship to others and to see those growing disciples devote themselves to alleviating poverty, make a difference in their communities, lift Jesus as the only way, truth and life, and empower others through discipleship. We want to see people called of God and living abundant lives for His glory, and this we believe can only be done effectively through discipleship. We are therefore keen to continue running the Equip! program.