Dem. Rep. of Congo, Africa

DRC09b - Alliance Evangelique Sewing Programme: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: October 13, 2023

Update from Alliance Evangelique

Recent Events


learning new skillsThe trainees are learning the sewing trade in our purpose-built workshop. All the training sessions are held in the same location. Given our capacity and the tools available, we can only train 25 people at once. The full training period is three months per group after which they receive a certificate.

We have already trained 50 people in two successive cycles of three months each. A further 25 will complete their apprenticeship on October 15th.

At the end of their training, learners are able to make all types of garments, including blouses, shirts, and pants for both men and women.


Current Issues and Challenges

new skillsAfter training, the trainees obviously have no immediate access to employment due to the lack of specialized structures invested in this field, which is nevertheless essential locally.

We are therefore asking for US$15,750 to purchase 75 kits to be distributed at a rate of one kit per beneficiary. Each kit includes one treadle sewing machine and accessories, as well as starter items such as spare bobbins and needles, textile fabrics, spools of sewing thread, scissors, measuring tape and an iron.

This kit will enable the beneficiaries to start up a personal workshop in their own home, enabling them to generate an income to sustain themselves.


Plans for the Future

gratefulWe would like to continue to run these courses as new cases are referred to us by our member communities and by civil society organizations active in the protection of women's rights.


We are doing wonderfully, by the grace of God, and we thank Him for it. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you all!

Rev. Israel Ngirababo
General Secretary, AEC – DR Congo