Dem. Rep. of Congo, Africa

DRC03b - Rehema Prison Ministry: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: September 20, 2022

Update from Rehema Ministry

Recent Events


providing clothesJacqueline has continued serving with the prison ministry except the month she was sick and became very uncomfortable with noise. But as the team to the prison ministry is composed of Jacqueline and two other pastors who are her former classmates in the theological school, the work continued even when Jacqueline was unwell. Noah and Lay have been very active and helpful.

The Rehema Prison Ministry has concentrated on women and children (about 60). Currently there is around 2,300 prisoners presently in the prison of Bunia that was made for about 500 people only. The prison is highly protected by the army as there are many war crime prisoners inside. The security officer we met last time has himself been put into prison as he was accused of assisting some prisoners to escape. As Jacqueline and the team go for ministry there, they also visit him with some food supplies. 

Month of Intense Preaching

The month of August was the month of intense teaching and preaching in the prison. Jacqueline and a team of Bible School students went on weekends to the prison’s waiting room where they were allowed to deliver messages of salvation in Christ to prisoners. Several prisoners came to hear the word of God. Jacqueline’s target is particularly women and children to whom she preached from easy passages in the New Testament.

Among her key messages was a sermon from Luke: 18:35-43 on the blind beggar. Jacqueline targeted mainly women among which were detained convinced of different offenses. They were happy to hear the word of love and grace God can grant all sinners. One of them shouted: "I was really blind for long. I am happy to see new life and blessings coming on my way!”

By the end of the month, Jacqueline could count 52 women who requested counselling and prayers. Jacqueline decided to have one on one conversations after preaching but was able to attend to only six as the time for meeting prisoners is limited to one hour per session. They all gave their lives to Christ.


Current Issues and Challenges

The challenge is to properly disciple these ladies to help them grow in their faith in Christ. One possibility would be to get for them Bibles and Christian literature they can read as they continue to live in prison. This is a new challenge Rehema Prison Ministry will have to face. We will appreciate prayers and wisdom to help us meet current discipleship needs among women in prison.


Prayer and Praise Points

Please pray:
1) That the Lord will give us joy and courage to serve despite the environment of ours that is full of security challenges.
2) That more detained may meet Christ and have their lives transformed to glorify Christ.



It should be noted that the prison of Bunia was initially built to host 500 people. It has currently about 2,300 detained among whom only 401 have already been sentenced. With such a number, the general health condition of the detained is critical with the eruption of some infection that contaminated a big number of detainees. Thus, as the team brings the good news to the detainees, they also come with food, clothes, shoes, and soap, for the prisoners. While a little food is provided for all women and children, the other commodities are provided to some selected needy and vulnerable prisoners who are not receiving support from family members to supplement the small support they are receiving from the prison services.

Our joy is to see a good number of the detained giving their lives to Christ and growing in their faith despite the hard environment they are living in. We rejoice with 16 people who have given their life to Christ last month and John who was planning suicide who changed his mind and became a committed Christian, trusting Christ.

“With my mouth I will greatly extol the Lord; in the great throng of worshipers, I will praise him. For he stands at the right hand of the needy, to save their lives from those who would condemn them.” Psalm 109:30-31

May the Lord bless you richly!


Dr George and Jacqueline Atido
The Rehema Ministry Bunia