Dem. Rep. of Congo, Africa

DRC05a - SPCM Community Bakery: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: August 13, 2021

Update from BHW DRC Partnership Facilitator

Recent Events 

not ready to use yetIt would be fair to say that this partnership and the establishment of the bakery have run into great difficulties. It has not yet started to produce baked goods, in fact the initial set-up phase of the project has not yet been completed. It was meant to be completed almost one year ago in September 2020. 

There are several reasons for this, all of which when combined have brought this to a grinding halt. The issues include all the challenges below in Current Issues and Challenges. As well as those there are some others: 

1) The initial budget was nowhere near accurate enough. This was caused by the key people not gaining a more accurate understanding of the real costs, the inability of suppliers to give accurate costs and to some degree, passionate leaders without a lot of experience in building something like this. It has been a learning experience. 

rising costs2) Costs went up significantly between the time of the budget being presented and the funds getting there. In retrospect, we should have obtained an updated budget before the final discussion.  

3) COVID struck just as the project was getting underway. This put pressure on the economy there which further escalated costs and timeframes.  

Some of the major components of the project have been built including the oven, numerous other utensils and trays, bricks for the kitchen and other bits and pieces. The team has produced receipts for all items but they underestimated the cost and overlooked several essential items. 


Partnership's Influence Within the Community

have some thingsUnfortunately, there is nothing yet but disappointment. However, the need is still there, the people are still there and the team is still thinking about a way forward. 

Alongside this, the work amongst the deaf community continues. Six new churches were established by Sowers and the deaf in the year from June 2020-June 2021. Several Sowers training seminars have been able to go ahead despite the COVID restrictions. 

COVID caused the project to be put on hold and the team had to focus on their own health and that of those around them. They helped many people with food parcels and other needs - mainly medical.


Ideas for the Future

not finished yetThis project has not been abandoned by BHW or the key people in Lubumbashi. Ngoy, the leader, writes, "We have no choice but to move forward with this project. To 'start without finishing is a destruction of sorts’ they say. It is through faith and our personal efforts (apart from our financial means) that we think we can do it, otherwise it is a great challenge."

Currently we are in discussion about a way forward in this partnership to see the bakery functioning. 


Current Issues and Challenges

There are significant issues to overcome:
1) The need for a significant amount of funds to get the project running - approximately US$3,500 more.  

2) The ongoing rise in costs and inflation in the country which keeps raising prices. This is not such an issue for capital items funded externally but is an issue for ongoing businesses.  

3) The instability created by tribal factions and militias rampaging on the outskirts of the city. This causes a lot of fear in the city and limits the movement of people. However, they still need to live and they still need bread.  

4) The impact of COVID is still causing many issues. People are generally poorer. There is fear "in the air." The social distancing and mask wearing is impossible to keep up.


Prayer and Praise Points 

1) That sufficient funds will be found to complete the project.
2) That the impact of COVID will diminish. There are still many infected people around.
3) For full recovery for those infected. Many of Ngoy's family members and the other key leaders have been infected by COVID and many have lost loved ones. 



Getting this project running is a priority for me. The impact this could have would be significant on both the deaf community and amongst the Sower's team so we need to come up with a strategy to get this moving. Inevitably, it is going to cost quite a lot more to get it up and going. It was obviously under budgeted for and requires about double the amount requested. I do not blame them entirely. In a country like that, it is virtually impossible to accurately forecast costs.