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INT05 - Harvest Partnership Church Planting Movement: Partnership Reports

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January 2018 Update


In Africa, schools and public life restarts about January 3 and early in the month the men spend time seeking God for His purposes for the year.  Their monthly feedbacks have started to come in.  

Recent Events

Bob Abdalla (Kisumu, West Kenya)

amazing resultsBob Abdalla encouraged me by saying that his own church was growing so well through his leaders and their house churches – that the building is too small.  (The house and the church are on the same plot.) They now have 26 house churches – some far away have started to have Sunday services in school classrooms. They were blessed that at Christmas contact families came and were saved!  

Then he wrote something quite strange by saying…..

“We also praise God that our address system was stolen! One of the thieves was found. He tried to escape by jumping over the fence to the neighbours compound and was caught. The people jumped on him with rungus and blows as I was called to give the final word.  I called the police and handed him over to them. Praise the Lord that on our first new year service two of the thieves came and confessed before us and we led them to Christ. We rejoice with them in their first new year encounter with the Lord.”

Before and after Christmas Bob was able to visit and encourage the leaders in his home village of Nyakwere, across the water from Kisumu, and some parts of Kisumu rural and town:

Nyakwere: This is Bob's home area where he grew up as teenager, planted some churches after he received Christ and became an evangelist. During this visit he trained 12 leaders in Step 1&2. They had established 12 house churches at his last visit and they have planted 14 more! They are committed to the fulfilment of the Great Commission and are actively engaged in winning and bringing their neighbours and friends to the Lord. Bob preached in a revival meeting after the leaders day time training and ten people received Christ in their hearts.

Kisumu City: During Bob's visits he encouraged Pastor Ongala and his nine leaders. They had began nine house fellowships last time he visited and now they have established 10 more in their area. Bob trained them in Step 2 and also prayer walking in their selected areas foroutreach. Many souls have been changed through the DBR (daily bible reading) groups. 

Not forgetting other leaders in the church, whom he encouraged and are experiencing a rapid growth in their churches. Pastor Kweyu has established 30 DBR fellowships during the month of December. They baptized 20 people in the lake. They are using the chronological Bible stories in winning souls after Bob trained 10 leaders in one of his churches.

Prayer Requests:
1) Pray for the new believers to be strong in their new found faith
2) Pray for our children's school fees to come on time.
3) Pray for the next places of visit for open hearts.
4) Thank the Lord for the peace of our Nation Kenya


Daniel (Bukavu, Congo)

busyBagira: For two days Daniel trained the leaders at the Lutheran Church of Pastor Ibrahim who has a Parish at the police camp. It was good to introduce Step 1 seminar.

He also went to visit The Paraclete Church and was pleased to meet 27 leaders and Pastor François. This church counts 20 BFR groups that meet every week but they seem to not be growing effectively. It was good for Daniel to mentor them on the Vision seminar and to mobilise leaders to reach out by teaching them how to use the retelling of Bible stories to friends.

In January Daniel developed a new contact: the Assembly of Saints in Bagira. He introduced himself and what he is doing to Pastor is Camile Musila, who was very interested to train his congregation. Daniel started to mobilise him and his four leaders in the daily Bible reading, expecting God to talk to them. They have planned for the Step 1 seminar next month.

The church that meets in Daniel's house went to visit people at the Hospital on Christmas Day and pray for them. Their joy was great because after they prayed for one woman, the Lord healed her instantly and she received the Lord in her life.

Panzi: Daniel visited and encouraged leaders in five house churches at the AOG of Pastor Aliobe. These BRF are developing well and they were able to win four new converts who were baptised at Christmas.

Birava: Daniel spent two days with the leaders at the God is Good church. This church continues to make progress as they are meeting weekly to share the Bible and to pray for the lost. It was good to encourage and train eight new leaders and to visit two house churches. In all their four parishes they have established house churches.

Kavumu: Daniel spent three days with Pastor Guillaume Bashombe of the Pentecostal Church who mobilised leaders and some church members to attend the first seminar. It was exciting to train 30 people coming together for the Step 1. They were mobilised in making disciples in their home and areas. They decided to start meeting with their family members and inviting their neighbours. We trust the Lord that all 30 house churches will start and be effective. 

Daniel shares two testimonies:

“My name is Zindula Mwajuma, I was a Muslem. I bless the Lord for my salvation today and the healing power of Jesus. I feel peace in my heart.” 

“I bless the Lord and thank you very much as your teachings have helped our church to grow in number as the church planting program has become everyone’s responsibility. People are enjoying reading their Bible and inviting their friends and family members. New members are joining the church weekly.”  Pastor Aliobe, AOG 

Prayer and Praise:
1) I thank and praise the Lord for His divine protection and the grace to begin this New Year.
2) I praise God who enabled me to encourage and develop leaders this first month.

Pray for:
3) All of us missionaries and our co-workers: wisdom and ability to lead the Harvest.
4) Those new believers being discipled and that many souls will be lead to the Lord.
5) Pray for the Great Lakes Region that peace will be in the hearts of the leaders and especially in the DRC.
6) My plans for the next weeks and that many local churches will be mobilised.
7) The provision of Bible Reading Cards and Bibles - we have no more Bibles.
8) The planned 30 house churches in Kavumu: that the new leaders succeed.
9) The Bagira church Pastor Musila as he and his leaders begin their daily Bible reading expecting God to speak to them – to launch the house churches.