Humanitarian and HIV/AIDS Partnerships


Armenia, Middle East

ARM01 - Vanadzor Poverty Intervention

The city of Vanadzor was a large chemical production city in the Soviet era. In 1988 there was a huge earthquake in the area that killed tens of thousands of people. The area has not recovered and people are living in extreme conditions. There are many living in ramshackle containers, there are many disturbed and uneducated children and families struggling to survive.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian, Community / Agriculture Development

Funding Size:

$15,000 - $99,999

Dem. Rep. of Congo, Africa

DRC08 - ACLUP Tuungane Project

Bukavu is a city of around 1 million people in the East of the DR Congo. It is a centre around which there is a great deal of rebel activity. Many women are left as widows and they struggle to make ends meet and care for their children. ACLUP seeks to identify the poorest Christian women and assist them to establish and operate small businesses so they can become financially independent.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children

Funding Size:

$8,000 - $14,999

Dem. Rep. of Congo, Africa

DRC08b - ACLUP Water Projects

There are many communities near to Bukavu that are in desperate need of safe water. In 2021 BHW partnered with ACLUP to successfully provide water for the Chikera community (DRC08a) and after seeing the dramatic impact this had on that community, they are now keen to continue doing water projects in many more villages.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children

Funding Size:

$15,000 - $99,999

Egypt, Middle East

EGY02a - Women's Discipleship Programme

In the early 2000's MM and her husband started a Bible study for women. They were asked to go to a Christian family's home to pray for the daughter who had converted to Islam. While there, a neighbour came and asked them to pray, then all the neighbours came, and a Bible study began. For the past 20+ years more than 200 women have been meeting weekly.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

India, Asia

IND15b - Angels Educational Scholarship Project

There is a pressing need within the network of churches Pradeep is involved with to assist young people gain qualifications so they can obtain decent employment. This project is a scholarship programme for young people who are graduating from secondary school and moving on to next level education. It is not for everyone, just for those who have done well in education and have proved themselves.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$3,000 - $7,999

India, Asia

IND21c - Ashaloy Tailoring Centre

The plight of women in India is quite desperate. Many are poorly educated and their husbands are daily workers. Tom and his wife are very keen to help women to flourish in their families.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$3,000 - $7,999

India, Asia

IND21d - Ashakiran Tailoring Centre

James is the pastor of a small brethren church in Kolkata. They have established good relationships in the community, have got to know the families of their neighbours, and have discovered a lot of poverty. This sewing programme is designed to continue the development of relationships and to empower women to become more able to sustain themselves and their families.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Kenya, Africa

KEN13 - Kisumu Vulnerable Women and Children

This project was established to support vulnerable women and children in the Kisumi Village. It currently runs training courses in tailoring and small business development for vulnerable women. Once trained, the women establish and run their own small tailoring businesses which provides them with an income to financially support themselves and their families.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans

Funding Size:

$3,000 - $7,999

Pakistan, Asia

PAK11a - Kasur Women's Empowerment

This project is established to train Christian women and girls to develop a skill and the opportunity for income generation. This area is rural and on the border with India and surrounded by military installations. As with other similar projects this will empower a number of women who are poorly educated and who have few options for anything other than a life of servitude.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$3,000 - $7,999

Pakistan, Asia

PAK12 - Afghan Refugee Sewing Courses Peshawar

For many years there has been a movement of Afghan people into Pakistan as a result of the ongoing, chronic unrest in the country. Peshawar is one of the main places that Afghan refugees settle. Many of these people are uneducated and unable to fend for themselves, and so become very vulnerable, especially the young women.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

South Africa, Africa

RSA03 - Masoyi Bright Hope Foundation

Masoyi Home Based Care is the response of Florence and her team to the large numbers of people in the community who are affected by HIV / AIDS. Volunteers visit house bound patients to encourage, assist and care for them.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children

Funding Size:

$8,000 - $14,999

Uganda, Africa

UGA04c - Jinja Vocational Training

For a number of years Joyce Lubari was concerned with the number of young people in their community who leave school and who cannot get employment. Many young people manage somehow to complete secondary school, but what then?

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$15,000 - $99,999

South Sudan, Africa

UGA04f - Trauma counselling training for South Sudanese refugees

South Sudan has been gripped by civil war almost continually since it achieved nationhood in 2013. Hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of refugees have fled to neighbouring countries, including Uganda. Uganda now hosts some of the largest refugee camps in the world (near Yumbe and Koboko in the north) and the numbers of refugees grows daily.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Humanitarian, Training / Education

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Zimbabwe, Africa

ZIM03 - Maunga Farm Community Transformation

Maunga Farm is a poverty stricken area. People were resettled here by the government in 2002/2002 but no infrastructure was developed. They are peasant farmers and barely make a living in a good year but years of ongoing drought have made life even more difficult. Rodwell Masanga and his family have a vision to see the community transformed and plan to move into the area and become agents of change.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Community / Agriculture Development, Evangelism / Church Planting, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999


India, Asia

IND04 - New Ark Mission of India

An outstanding example of Christ's compassion, this partnership focuses on rescuing abandoned and often terminally ill people off the streets of Bangalore.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Partially Funded

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$15,000 - $99,999

International, Global

INT04 - BHW Global Disaster Relief Fund

Bright Hope World has partners in some of the poorest countries in the world. These are countries where a natural disaster can devastate hundreds of thousands of lives and where help may never arrive for many people. Even when help is available, it may be denied to some based on ethnicity or religion. The Bright Hope World Global Disaster Fund has been established to enable us to be prepared to help when disaster strikes.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Partially Funded

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$100,000 +

Pakistan, Asia

PAK11b - Kasur Tutoring Programmes

The brick kilns in Pakistan are notorious for child labour and human slavery. More than one million children are working in the brick kilns just in Punjab alone. They do not go to school and are illiterate. Many are forced into early marriages, especially the girls. It is a hard life and our partners there want to see things change and set people free. Education is an important part of the solution.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Partially Funded

Partnership Type:

Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$3,000 - $7,999

Thailand, Asia

THA03 - Rahab Ministries

Rahab rescues girls from prostitution in the bars of Bangkok and helps rehabilitate them through training and education.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Partially Funded

Partnership Type:

Humanitarian, Training / Education

Funding Size:

$8,000 - $14,999


Dem. Rep. of Congo, Africa

DRC03b - Rehema Prison Ministry

Bunia Central Prison has approximately 1,200 people incarcerated, with men, women and children all in the same prison. Some of the children were born in prison. Jacqueline Atido and her team go into the prison every Saturday and conduct a Bible study as well as providing Christian counseling to any who need particular help and prayer.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Fully Funded

Partnership Type:

Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children

Funding Size:

$8,000 - $14,999

Dem. Rep. of Congo, Africa

DRC06 - Misericorde

There are many vulnerable children in the Katanga Province of the DRC, in particular in Likasi, a mining city of about half a million people. A group of Christians have decided to care for as many of these abandoned children as they can with their own resources. Currently there are about 50 children being assisted.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Fully Funded

Partnership Type:

Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian, Training / Education

Funding Size:

$3,000 - $7,999

Egypt, Middle East

EGY01 - Al Hayat Training Centre

Young people in Cairo have many issues to deal with and in general find it very difficult to gain employment. This Vocational Training Centre enables them to develop skills that will give them an advantage when seeking employment.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Fully Funded

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$15,000 - $99,999

Egypt, Middle East

EGY05 - Barnabas Ministry Poverty Reduction Programme

There are huge numbers of poor in Cairo. It is a hub for the poor and for countless generations for refugees. They are spread right throughout the city.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Fully Funded

Partnership Type:

Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education

Funding Size:

$3,000 - $7,999

Egypt, Middle East

EGY05a - Barnabas Ministry Refugee Support

There are tens of thousands of refugees in Cairo. They come from around the Middle East and Sudan. Currently NB regularly meets with a group of refugees from Syria and Sudan. They are Muslim families that have no one to turn to on arrival in Egypt.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Fully Funded

Partnership Type:

Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children

Funding Size:

$8,000 - $14,999

Egypt, Middle East

EGY05b - Barnabas Ministry - Support of Addicts

Among the poor in Cairo are many men who are addicted to various substances. Poverty and despair leads them to become involved in drug taking. This then causes deeper levels of poverty for them and their families and a descent into desperation. A large number of families have been destroyed because of this. These men roam the streets looking for their next fix and live on the streets. They abandon their families and then they too become victims. For every one person brought back from drug dependency up to 10 people are helped.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Fully Funded

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$8,000 - $14,999

Egypt, Middle East

EGY07 - Matthew House

Father A has established a house for the poor in a poorer part of Assiut city. Every day except Sunday a group of about 15 women come to the centre to cook 350 meals which are then delivered to the poor.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Fully Funded

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$3,000 - $7,999

Egypt, Middle East

EGY08 - Clinic for Neurodiverse Children

For several years the SSS has been providing medical assistance to the poor in Assiut. There are about 5 million people in this area, approximately 50% of them are Christians and 60% of them live below the poverty line. There is a huge need and medical help is a major issue.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Fully Funded

Partnership Type:

Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Evangelism / Church Planting

Funding Size:

$8,000 - $14,999

Lebanon, Middle East

LEB01 - Baucherieh Refugee Support and Intervention

Since the Syrian crisis started in 2011, Lebanon has been hosting millions of Syrian refugees who have found it a temporary place to live while they decide where to immigrate. The church has stepped in and been able to extend help on different levels.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Fully Funded

Partnership Type:

Humanitarian, Evangelism / Church Planting

Funding Size:

$8,000 - $14,999

Zambia, Africa

ZAM30 - Ukusenaminwa Child Foundation

In 2010 Roy and Sarah Nyirenda were challenged by the number of deaf children in the community where they live who were being dumped by their parents. They decided to adopt some of these children as their own, as they had nowhere else to go.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Fully Funded

Partnership Type:

Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian, Training / Education

Funding Size:

$15,000 - $99,999


Ethiopia, Africa

ETH02l - Care Centre at Asezo

Asezo is one of the poorest parts of the city of Gondar. Many people live there and in that mix, many vulnerable old people try to survive. Many are disabled or blind and there is no social welfare programme to care for the poor.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - Self-sustaining

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Ethiopia, Africa

ETH02m - Care Centre at Tikil Dingay

Life in rural villages and towns in Ethiopia is not easy, especially for the elderly. Many find themselves unable to look after themselves and take to the streets, begging to survive. This programme aims to give these elderly people some dignity in the last days of their lives and to keep them nourished.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - Self-sustaining

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Ethiopia, Africa

ETH03 - Begaimeder Academy

BHW has been involved in a number of partnerships in Ethiopia since 2005. The intention has always been to develop some form of income generation there to enable these programmes to become self-sustainable.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - Self-sustaining

Partnership Type:

Community / Agriculture Development, Training / Education, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Pakistan, Asia

PAK01e - Faisalabad clothing business

For two years BHW has been supporting sewing training courses near to Faisalabad. This project is to enable the women who have been trained to sew to earn a better living for their families by sewing garments for sale.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - Self-sustaining

Partnership Type:

Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Papua New Guinea, Asia

PNG01a - Rice mills, Kelabo and Arou

Kelabo and Arou towns are in the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. They are rural communities that are struggling with the huge increases in food prices, especially of rice. The churches in these towns have realised they can do something to assist their communities so they sent selected people to attend a training programme to learn how to grow rice. They then returned to their communities and have grown rice as a model. A mill will be put into each village to encourage the development.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - Self-sustaining

Partnership Type:

Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Papua New Guinea, Asia

PNG01c - Hauna Rice Economic Development Project (HREDP)

Largely on account of its isolation, Hauna village and the Wokoma area of the Sepik Valley have suffered from benign neglect. Consequently the 3,000 people (approximately) who live in Hauna and the surrounding villages are facing big financial difficulties now.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - Self-sustaining

Partnership Type:

Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999


Dem. Rep. of Congo, Africa


LASI was established in 1991 when the HIV/AIDS epidemic was in full cry. Pastor Bingi was just a young man and, in his ministry, met many people experiencing such trauma because of their circumstances that they were in no position to hear the good news he preached to them. He therefore determined that he had to become more closely involved with people to be able to deliver the words of life so he established LASI to advocate for people and help them.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Dem. Rep. of Congo, Africa

DRC05a - SPCM Community Bakery

SPCM operates as an umbrella organisation for Sowers International in the DRC and for ACIS, a Christian ministry to deaf people. This project will provide employment and an income for people from both organisations who will work in it.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:

Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Dem. Rep. of Congo, Africa

DRC08a - ACLUP Chikera Community Water Provision

The Cula river remains the only water system close to the population of Chikera town. During the rainy season the river overflows, sweeping away everything in its path, and presents a high risk of drowning for adults and children who go there to fetch water.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:

Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian, Orphans & Vulnerable Children

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Egypt, Middle East

EGY03 - NCEC Poverty Relief Programmes

NCEC is a mother church for many small churches in small towns and villages around Cairo. The church has strong relationships with these churches and to support them has set up a social committee and a loan programme. They operate separately and attempt to meet the needs of the poor in these churches.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:

Humanitarian, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans

Funding Size:

$15,000 - $99,999

Egypt, Middle East

EGY03a - Hope Evangelical Church Kindergarten

Pastor A is concerned that the majority of Christian children do not get a good start to education and because of this, they fail at school and drop out early thus continuing the cycle of poverty in families.

He wants to start a kindergarten to assist the young children obtain a good start to their education and address the poor start that most kids have to education.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:

Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$8,000 - $14,999

Ethiopia, Africa

ETH02b - Care Centre at Gondar

There are many widows living on the streets of Ethiopian cities. In Gondar our partners have done something about it. They approached the local council to identify some of the most vulnerable elderly people. They were allocated 58 and in partnership with the local Council, who designated a building, each day the widows come from begging on the streets for a meal.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Ethiopia, Africa

ETH02d - The Vulnerable of Debre Markos

A church in Debre Markos was supporting five vulnerable people, however there are many more who needed assistance but could not be funded. This support will supplement the support the church currently gives and allow them to increase the number of beneficiaries to around 30.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Italy, Global

ITA01 - Agape Migrant Centre

For a number of years Andrew Diprose and some local Italian people have been working with migrants who come to Italy as refugees, many of them without status and illegal immigrants. Traditionally they have mainly come from Bangladesh, India and Nepal.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Jordan, Middle East

JOR01 - Manara International - Support of Refugees

Manara (Lighthouse) International is based in Amman, Jordan. They find themselves in a strategic place, a place of refuge for many displaced people from around the Middle East. They have a particular focus on refugees who make up almost one third of Jordan's population. Refugees have come in the past from Palestine, Kuwait, Egypt and Iraq and most recently people fleeing the turmoil in Syria have sought refuge in Jordan. Manara works to assist them with counselling, friendship, food, clothing and other basic essentials.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:

Humanitarian, Evangelism / Church Planting

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Jordan, Middle East

JOR01a - Manara International - Sewing Training

For many years Manara International has been attempting to assist Iraqi refugees. Much of it has revolved around helping them with food, shelter and encouragement. This project is about empowering the women, teaching them sewing and embroidery skills, which will help them in both the short and long term, wherever they end up.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Kenya, Africa

KEN09 - Kijani Forests for Change

Kenya's forests are in terminal decline so the Kijani team are developing a plan to get a long term, sustainable reforestation programme underway. They are establishing a tree planting and agro-reforestation initiative and plan to use Foundations for Farming techniques to achieve this.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:

Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian, Evangelism / Church Planting

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Lebanon, Middle East

LEB03 - Support of Armenians in Lebanon

On 4th August 2020, a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the port of the city of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, exploded, causing at least 207 deaths, 7,500 injuries, and US$15 billion in property damage, and leaving an estimated 300,000 people homeless. This is a very difficult situation. The Lebanese economy was in steep decline long before the blast and there were many people in need. Add to this the huge numbers of Syrian refugees in the country, political instability and the impact of COVID-19, the last thing they needed was another catastrophe. But that is exactly what they got.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Myanmar, Asia

MYA03 - Myanmar Cyclone Crisis

Due to the recent cyclone many people are with out food and water. Our contact in Myanmar Dr Aung is asking for our help in being able to provide resources to buy rice, garlic, potatoes and onions for the most needy.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Pakistan, Asia

PAK03 - Pakistan Flood Relief

Heavy monsoon rains have flooded much of Pakistan displacing thousands of families and leaving millions homeless, but as yet no major relief efforts have begun to reach the hardest hit regions.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$15,000 - $99,999

Pakistan, Asia

PAK09 - EGM Sewing Courses Khaliq Nager

Khaliq Nager is like a rural village in the middle of Lahore. This community has about 17,500 people. Many are poor, most are illiterate and place no value on educating their children, especially the girls. There is no school, no clean water, no medical or health center and most of the families have no toilet in their homes. The EGM team has a vision to transform the community and a strong component of this is to empower uneducated women by training them to sew.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Pakistan, Asia

PAK11 - EGM Kasur water purifying project

Pakistan is one of the top five countries worldwide improving access to clean water but despite this progress 22 million people still have no choice but to drink dirty water. Christians are facing a water crisis because they generally live in slum areas of cities and there are no development programs there from metropolitan or central governments.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Philippines, Asia

PHI03 - ECPM - Compassionate Relief Fund

This fund was set up as an emergency fund for training/coaching or medical expenses for the ECPM workers.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:

Humanitarian, Evangelism / Church Planting

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Tanzania, Africa

TAN02 - Mazingara Village Water Development

Mazingara is a village wracked by intergenerational poverty. More than 1,000 people live in the area and there is no safe water. People collect ground water from more than 5 kms away for all uses. The water is contaminated and unsafe and the people just never wash. There is rampant sickness and disease from poor hygiene and little food in the village. The previous rainy season the village houses were all severely damaged by floods and the people are too poor to rebuild them. The primary need here according to the leaders of the village is for water.

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:

Community / Agriculture Development, Humanitarian, Evangelism / Church Planting

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

52 Partnerships