Egypt, Middle East

EGY04a - Holiness Movement Preschool Development

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Fully Funded

Partnership Type:

Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development

Funding Size:

$3,000 - $7,999

Annual Budget:

US$ 6,600

Connected To:



Population: 89 million

Life Expectancy: 70 years

GDP: US$3724 per capita

Unemployed: %

% earn less than US$2/day

Current Partnership Impact

200 families are being assisted

260 children are being supported into schooling

13 people employed in partner businesses

Partnership Overview

receiving assistanceSince late 2018 BHW has been supporting the Holiness Movement as they developed a loan programme among their churches (EGY04). A significant fund has been created that will continue to have impact into the future in this area. As the leaders of the programme moved around their churches they have discovered other impacts of poverty on their people. A major one is that in many villages where their people live there is a great deal of competition for the young people. Other groups are snatching their children by providing preschool education and they want to respond to this.  

The Holiness Movement have proved to be great partners and are very diligent in following through with administration. There is a genuine need here and it is something they are passionate about. They want to maximise the impact of the loan programme by helping families get their young children off to a good start educationally. They have the people to administrate and participate in the running of the centres.  

History of Partnership

genuine needFor several years BHW has been partnering with the Holiness Movement developing a significant loan programme that has been rolled out to their churches. We have known them since 2014 and they have proved themselves to be very capable of operating programmes. 

We have visited several of their churches and preached in them, visited many of the villages where the loan programmes are operating, met with their leaders and visited their homes. We have spent significant time with them. 

In 2024 the loan programme funding came to an end, and they approached us to consider supporting the establishment of the preschool programme. They wanted to start with three preschools in the first year, four in the second year and five in the third year however BHW would prefer to commence with one as a pilot and if that is successful, then consider funding more.  


The beneficiaries are the children and their families who participate in this. The preschools that these will be modelled on are very impressive and have a huge influence in the church and the community. Several people will gain employment from working in the preschools, mainly teachers and teacher aides. The churches will also benefit as they impact their communities and see their people flourishing.   

playWhat We Like About The Partnership

It is building on the previous project of the loans.
It is with partners who have proved themselves.
It is targeted at very poor people, and it provides a way for them to have their mindsets shaped.
It is delivered in the context of the local church.
They have the people and the facilities available to be used. Every year they have young people graduating college with no jobs. 


Key People

Leadership Profile

The key person is Pastor B. He is the one in charge of operating the loan programme. He is the pastor of the Holiness Church in Alexandria and a very capable administrator. He was the general secretary of the denomination and a very nice man. He is married with adult children and his family is very supportive of him. Our main partner in Egypt, NB, is very supportive of him and recommended that we become involved in this project. 

Other People Involved

We have met with other pastors who also would love to see this go ahead. Pastor G travelled from Cairo to Alexandria to be involved in the presentation and we met with the Bishop of the Holiness Movement who is also supportive. They have the support of the Movement, and they also have many of their people who would be involved in the initiative. 


Vision And Annual Strategy

need a good startVision 

Their vision is to see many of these preschools established so their young people get a better start to education and so their families begin to emerge from poverty.


The strategy is to open several preschools in different churches. Ideally, they would like to start three in year 1, four in year 2 and five in year 3. There will be about 30 children in each preschool. 

The set-up costs are well beyond the capacity of the local church. Families will have to pay a small fee each day for the children, but this will not be sufficient currently to cover the operational costs. 


Annual Budget

needs a good start1) Capital costs of US$3,100 will be required to set up each preschool and this will fund:
- 4 equipped children's beds
- 30 children's tables and chairs
- 6 rounded tables for children                         
- 5 chairs + desk for teachers and workers 
- Sponge carpet designed for nurseries         
- Nursery toys
- T.V.                                                                  
- Books and teaching material                          

2) Ongoing operational costs of US$2,100 is required to fund:
- training nursery staff                                         
- daily meals
- utilities (water, power, etc..)                               
- cleaning supplies                                           
- remuneration for staff                                        

The intention is that the local church who wants to set up a preschool will contribute US$1,000 towards the ongoing operational costs. BHW will fund the capital set-up costs and US$1,200 per year towards the annual operating costs.