Pakistan, Asia

PAK11 - EGM Kasur water purifying project

Partnership Ref.:



Edward Qaser - EGM Pakistan



Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:


Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Annual Budget:

US$ 0

Connected To:

PAK02 , PAK07 , PAK09 , PAK09a , PAK11a , PAK11b


Population: 184.8 million

Life Expectancy: 66.0 years

GDP: US$1022 per capita

Unemployed: 15.0%

60.3% earn less than US$2/day

Partnership Overview

not fit to drinkPakistan is one of the top five countries worldwide improving access to clean water but despite this progress 22 million people still have no choice but to drink dirty water. Christians are facing a water crisis because they generally live in slum areas of cities and there are no development programs there from metropolitan or central governments.

Ground water levels are also decreasing rapidly in cities and villages. In many places, ground water levels have fallen below 200 feet and it is very difficult for a family to afford a motor pump in the home. Even if they solve that issue, the water quality is very poor. Hand pumps are now not working in cities and in many villages. Where the water level is below 150 feet, life is becoming very difficult. In many places where hand pumps are still working the water is not drinkable but people still use it as they have no options. 

Water is necessary for life. Human beings and animals cannot live without water. A shortage of water forces the poor to drink unhygienic water and consequently fall prey to water-borne diseases. In many cases, water is transported by women and children over long distances in difficult regions. Due to the shortage of water EGM receives many requests from local people, pastors and leaders to help solve the problem.

This project is about providing drinkable water for people in the village of Kusar. This is a pilot project and if it is successful more projects like this will be developed. The project consists of a water pump and a reverse osmosis water purifier.  

History of Partnership

In 2007 BHW was contacted by a group of people in Lahore who had commenced a programme of church growth and development. EGM (Evangelistic Gospel Ministries) have a great understanding of holistic ministry and seek to tell people about the Christian message and at the same time to help the poor and vulnerable. 

In October 2008, the Bright Hope World New Partnership Facilitator visited Lahore and discovered that these people had a clear vision and a great plan for development. They had already commenced a number of sewing centres to assist women to learn skills that would give them opportunities for employment. At that stage a decision was made to commence a computer centre (PAK02) as a first point of engagement for BHW.

Since then we have continued to be involved with EGM and commenced a number of other partnerships including a sewing factory (PAK04), a scholarship fund for exceptional students (PAK07), rural village sewing centres (PAK09), and funding of correspondence courses (PAK10). In early 2019 EGM presented a proposal to pilot a water purifying project and this was commenced in May 2019.  


good drinking waterThe beneficiaries are the 500 people in this village who will have access to drinkable water. This will have major benefits for women who will not have to travel long distances to get good water or pay money for drinking water. It also impacts children who are often kept out of school to transport water for the family. It will also benefit the whole village by reducing disease.  

What We Like About The Partnership

This project is addressing a very significant issue. Most individuals in the village, specifically the children and women, suffer from constant diarrhoea and ill health. Many children are under nourished and in many cases their growth is stunted. Many children are irregular at school because of chronic health issues. 

There are people in place to manage the project. There is a Christian community already in the village who can deliver Christian witness. 

The cost of this is reasonable and the technology is local and proven. 


key personKey People

Leadership Profile

Our key contact person at EGM is Edward Qasar. He was a school teacher before going into full time Christian ministry. He has studied and completed at least 12 Emmaus courses in Urdu and has a Diploma of Theology from the Evangelical College of Western Australia. 

Edward is married to Shakila and they have a small family. Edward and Shakila live in the area of Yohannabad with their extended family, they lead a church there and he preaches around the country. 

key local personOther People Involved

Pastor Sadiq Masih is the local key person. He is actively involved in the community and has sent numerous young people into the Brilliant Students Scholarship Programme (PAK07). He is active and wants to assist as many as possible and give them a chance of a better life. 

Sadiq Masih serves as an elder of Grace Church in Kusar and General Secretary of Brick Kilns Union of District Kusar. He is married to Naseem Bibi and they have five children. He has been serving on the Brick Kilns Union for Christian families and human rights issues. He is the only Christian man in the Union of Kusar and many people do not like him because of his faith. 


Vision And Annual Strategy


will improve healthThe vision is to improve the health of the local community, to cut the time wastage for both women and children, and to create opportunities for the local church to engage with the wider community. There are a lot of bridges to be built between the religions in these rural communities and this is a great way to do that. 


The strategy is to install a water pump and reverse osmosis water purifier which will significantly improve the lives of all villagers. They will collect funds on a monthly basis from the beneficiaries and this will be put towards paying the electricity account, to change the filter every six months and maintain the motor. 


Annual Budget

This project requires a one-off amount of US$1,430 which will purchase the reverse osmosis system and a motor pump and includes installation. The village will provide the material and labour to build a room in which to put the motor and transport of the RO system.