Partnership Ref.: |
ZAM19c |
Partner: |
David Power - GLO Zambia |
Commenced: |
20/12/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Fully Funded |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Annual Budget: |
US$ 3,795 |
Connected To: |
Population: 16.59 million
Life Expectancy: 60.79 yearsGDP: US$1248 per capita
Unemployed: 16.0%
81.5% earn less than US$2/day
48 families are being assisted
1 people employed in partner businesses
48 people are in vocational or agricultural training
The team at GLO Bible College realised there was a need to re-evaluate the way they relate to the local church and their vision is to "Equip the church for the future".
GLO runs various components that are all aimed at impacting the local church:
- Agricultural development through Foundations for Farming
- Church extension-based training for leadership
- Train the trainers, aimed to equip the youth leaders of the church
- Advanced leaders courses run from the Bible College, an accredited theological diploma or degree
- Youth camps
This partnership provides financial support for the various programmes they run.
GLO has been looking for ways to help fund the Bible College activities including installation of a chicken run, fishponds, dog breeding, and renting out the facility on occasions.
Started in the late 1980s, GLO was aimed at helping the youth in churches. The focus recently has become to "equip the church for the future". With many of the programmes run offsite in the local churches this has helped to bridge gaps in relationships between GLO and the local church.
- churches who receive the church-based leadership training, and offered accredited courses
- farmers who are trained in Foundations for Farming
- Zambian youth who come to the youth camps
1) The GLO team has a real passion for the church of Zambia, both in their local community and nationwide
2) GLO has many great people, serving selflessly at a great cost to themselves
3) The churches are behind the vision of GLO to prepare youth for leadership
4) GLO is always looking for ways to become self-sustaining
David and Liz Power are from the UK and have been working with GLO for the past four years. David is an ex-pastor of a church in England and comes with a desire to set up training programmes. He is based in Kabwe but travels to GLO each month.
Edwin is the Agricultural Director at GLO. He was originally trained at Don Bosco in the Luapula province in 2005–2006. He then moved to Team Missions at Ndola until 2012. He learned Foundations for Farming at Dawn Trust from 2012–2020 where he set up some demonstration plots that still exist today.
He has been to the Foundations for Farming Centre of Excellence in Harare on two occasions for training and the Champs Conference that is held there each year to encourage people.
Edwin’s wife's name is Constance, and he has four children: Clive, John, Gracious and Evelyn. They moved to GLO in 2020 as he saw the need to multiply what he had achieved through Dawn Trust and Foundations for Farming in his area. His vision is to empower local churches practically in food security and enable the church to address poverty. He is sure that with training and adequate follow up people can change.
The vision of GLO is to "Equip the church for the future".
1) To run accredited courses to empower the local church through teaching
2) To continue to develop relationships with local churches
Daniel is one of the agricultural volunteers who are helping to develop the farming training demonstrations. He finished the GAP year course this year and wanted to stay on at GLO to help.
When he was 2 years old, his mum died, and by the time he was 5 his dad was not around so he ended up on the streets of Chingola. He struggled to eat and survived by begging. A man from England saw him one day and took him from the streets to a place called Eden Home for boys in Chingola. Eventually he was kicked out of this place and ended up renting a place in town with some other youths. It was at this time he started to use and sell drugs to support himself, emotionally and physically.
In late 2021 the same man from England talked to him about GLO, seeing it as a final chance for him to change his life. Daniel came to GLO not really knowing what to expect. He felt so lost and had so much self-hatred. Through the four-month GAP year course he learned how to live, and how to stop hating himself, seeing himself as having value as God's creation. He was saved as a Christian and after confessing this in church in July 2022 he has been baptized. Daniel intends to stay at GLO for one year learning agriculture as he learns how to trust himself and his life choices.