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INT02 - Sowers International - AFRICA : Partnership Reports

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Report Date: October 16, 2018

Newsletter from Selwyn & Christine Sexton, Working with Sowers International in Central Africa


committed menGreetings to you all. Last time we wrote to you we were in Zimbabwe. Since then we have spent time in Malawi and Zambia.

Recent Events


Soon after arriving in Malawi we met the Regional Coordinators in Lilongwe. (From the left; Mateyu, Amos, Blackson, Patrick and Godfrey.) It was so good to spend time with these committed men and to hear how God is using them. We also met with some of the Malawi Board members and discussed matters from SOWERS Headquarters.

changed lifeAmos shared with us the following story which had happened a few weeks before. He said: “A group of Sowers visited Saphika village on the outskirts of Lilongwe where they had both open air meetings and door to door evangelism. As they visited, they met an old man (pictured right) making bamboo baskets outside his home. Some of the members of the team shared with him the counselling booklet and he received Jesus. He told them that for a long time he believed in traditional beliefs and had not been to church for many years. He said that this was his first time to experience such a powerful evangelistic confrontation. He has begun to go to the Baptist church that the team planted in the village despite his difficulties in walking and he is now a committed Christian”.

The following week we travelled to Mulange near the Mozambique border and four members of the Mozambique Board came across to meet with us. Their journey to the meeting and back home was difficult as they experienced rain and very bad roads. (From left; Fernando - grateful for computerTreasurer, Macheso - National Coordinator, Pavua - Chairman (seated) and Ibrahim - Niassa Coordinator.) In the photo they are looking at their new computer and printer which were gifts from a teacher in Zambia and a craft group in Australia. It was busy and very productive. Much ground was covered in a short time and the Mozambique delegates left very encouraged.

Malawi is going to the polls next May but even in July when we were in Malawi there was spasmodic unrest due to political issues. Please pray for Malawi over the next few months. 


In September Emmanuel travelled from Nakuru, Kenya to visit and encourage the Sowers he trained earlier in the year near Bunda in Tanzania.


Our time in the Eastern Province with Wallace, the Coordinator, and David and Chepesani who are being trained at Level 4, was encouraging. Due to miscommunication, David and Chepesani were not ready to be assessed for their Level 4 Certificates. Apart from the Level 2 Seminar in which they all took a part in teaching, some corrections were also made to the Chichewa Level 2 Messages and a Level 4 Teaching manual which was so helpful.

teaching studentsIn Lusaka, a Level 6/4/2 Seminar was conducted in late July. The Seminar took place over two weekends. The picture right shows Mpundu teaching the students. He graduated at Level 4 and Titus at Level 6. Due to some logistical challenges, the Seminar finished after dark in a classroom without lights, so we have no photos of the graduation.

Zambia is one of the countries affected by the recent shortage of funds at SOWERS Headquarters. Please pray for wisdom as they and other National Boards work with the Provinces and Coordinators to find the best Zambian projects to assist in funding the work. 


The first Seminars have been taught recently in the Karamoja area in the far north east of Uganda. The region is set on a large plateau between the mountains of Sudan and the Eastern Rift escarpment of Kenya. Level 2 Seminars have also been successfully taught in Central Uganda using the new Luganda materials. 


Deo taught a Level 1 Seminar in Kigali in early September. He faced a number of challenges including the recent banning of all evangelistic meetings in the open air. The students were very excited by what they learnt and the Bishop, who attended the Seminar, has requested the training in all five Provinces. It was decided to postpone the Level 2 Seminar until such time as the Level 2 materials are put into the local language. Hopefully by then open air meetings can be conducted. 


Current Issues and Challenges

There is an outbreak of Cholera in Harare which has spread to other parts of Zimbabwe. Thousands have been infected and many have died in Harare.

Army worms which destroy crops have become an increasing problem in Africa. Many Sowers are farmers and this is causing real concern to some of them and their families. 


Prayer and Praise Points

1) Wisdom for all National Boards as they find ways to raise funding within their countries.
2) Registration of SOWERS in Kenya.
3) Senior Sowers and their families:
Zambia: John, Stephen, Titus, Wallace, Puta, Benedict
Malawi: Godfrey, Blackson, Amos, Mateyo, Patrick, Oswald
Zimbabwe: Edmond and Mussa
Mozambique: Macheso, Ibrahim
Uganda: Deo, Richard, Mary, Fred, Ronald.
Kenya: Emmanuel, Tobias
4) Wisdom for Emmanuel and Deo as they spearhead the development of the work in Tanzania and Rwanda.
5) Funds for Bibles, bicycles, printing, sketchboard kits and sleeping bags


Thank you so much for your interest and prayers. Your continuing prayer support is so vital and such a blessing.

With our love and grateful thanks,

Selwyn & Christine