Nepal, Asia

NEP02b - Ray Of Hope Society - Community Development, Nawal Parasi: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: March 29, 2018

Report from BHW Nepal Partnership Facilitator 


In January 2018 Bright Hope World ran a summit in Bangalore for all our Indian and Nepalese partners. This was an amazing time which almost every one of our partners attended. In total we had about 40 people from India and Nepal and another nine from New Zealand, England and the USA. 

We prayed this would be a time where our partners met one another (many for the first time), learned from each other, were encouraged in the Lord, and went home inspired to keep serving the Lord in their communities. The Lord answered our prayer. 

It was so encouraging, and inspiring, to listen to every partner share their ministry’s story. From those who have been serving in ministry for 30+ years, to those who have just started in the past 18 months, every story impacted this gathering of believers. 

Running the conference in Bangalore meant I couldn’t visit each of the partners in their own environment and so I am only able to provide a brief update from each of the partnerships. 


Niranjan and Sonu Adikary, Lalitpur, Nepal

amazing coupleNiranjan and Sonu have been long-time partners of Bright Hope World in Nepal. Their participation at the Summit was inspirational. In particular it was wonderful to show all our partners that while Bright Hope World does not currently provide any funding to Niranjan and Sonu, we are still partners. This message was clear when Niranjan spoke about their current ministry in Nepal and the Ray of Hope Society. 

As Niranjan shared their vision to train church planters and pastors across Nepal he articulated again his commitment to self-sustainability. While this is not always possible for our partners, Niranjan and Sonu are examples of where it is working very well. Their stories of the many different business ventures they have started, or supported others to start, was inspirational. I think the concepts Niranjan shared challenged a number of people’s thinking around what is possible.

It was particularly pleasing to see some of the other partners connecting with Niranjan and Sonu and wanting to visit them to learn or see how they can share skills. 

We always enjoy our time with Niranjan and Sonu and are encouraged by their sense of call, focus and love for the Lord and their people. Niranjan’s newest idea is to get involved in some form of hydro-electric power generation. There is definitely no roof to the vision God has laid on Niranjan’s heart. 

We will always be partners and perhaps in the future we may work together again on a specific project. 


Prayer points

Please pray that Niranjan and Sonu will continue to have vision, energy and God’s provision to reach Nepal for Christ.